Sentences with phrase «to fill that niche»

The phrase "to fill that niche" means finding or creating a special place or role in a specific market or area that is currently empty or not well served. Full definition
So, how can scientists help fill this niche in the job market?
In addition to small business lenders like banks, credit unions, and online lenders, non-profit micro lenders fill a niche for small businesses that might not otherwise qualify for a loan.
Luckily, Cat has been filling that niche with durable smartphones that can survive more than just a drop from your bedside table.
The dual launch further serves to fill a niche market on the island, answering to the luxury needs of travellers seeking a more exclusive, intimate style of island living.
They really do fill a niche between a dedicated trail runner and a road running shoe without sacrificing quality or performance for either activity.
Trying to fill the niche roles using only a support character was a fun and challenging experience.
In fact, before I started this blog I spent a lot of time looking at other fashion blogs to see if I could help fill a niche.
Successful independently published authors credit knowing their audience and filling a niche as their key to success.
Every automaker is coming out with a new one to better fill the niche and make sure all those crossover buyers pick its vehicle.
He also said he's not surprised the vehicles fill a niche in the city that established taxi companies don't.
I've predicted bookstores, especially indies, will thrive filling niche markets.
They will do so because some will fill niche points in the markets.
Even though the card fills a niche, the benefits that come with it are anything but average.
«We also fill a niche for those shoppers,» he adds.
In the grand scheme of things, every class fills a niche and is actually balanced, if you have the gear.
Because we want to make the best game possible, we find partners who can fill a niche part of the production cycle, and work with them to finish that part.
These mice and charging pads fill a niche that has remained vacant ever since high - end gaming mice started coming down in price.
Still, plenty of people have wanted a more exciting color for the bezel-less smartphones, and Essential is finally filling that niche.
Overall, it's great to see a phone fill a niche that isn't being filled by many other manufacturers.
Within a year, several dozen businesses and individuals filled that niche; a new industry was born.
If you want to be relevant and keep your jobs, you need to find what consumers need and want and then fill that niche.
I'm finding these boutiques are filling the niche for sizes and ages that are ignored.
These people are out there, they are filling niches in the marketplace.
Bottom line: There are some other smart speakers that fill niche roles, but none worth recommending over our three overall picks.
The note series were released to fill a niche market where people wanted a «phablet» and it has been quite successful.
However, there are several companies in various stages of development that hope to fill that niche as the data becomes available.
I could have sold out and help fill those niches.
«But even more striking is this insect filling the niche of small mammals.»
Being able to play a game on the go is one of the Nintendo Switch's more appealing aspects and 12 Orbits fills this niche perfectly.
Pets Magazine fills a niche for a dog, cat and small pets magazine that is not just about pets but about people and their pets including dogs, cats, horses and small animals Frequency about 1 post per week Since Jul 2013 Website / stories - and - vi..
The Good The iDevices Outdoor Switch is convenient, filling a niche not many smart plugs have attempted to fill, and the power tracking will help savvy holiday decorators save money.
Itwas born in 2000 to fill a niche need for landscapers and garden centres who did not have an in - house design service.
WJC said most car trip are less than 25 miles and are at speeds less than 40mph, and electric vehicles can definitely fill this niche today.
I've really been searching for good games for exercise and socialization beyond traditional sports, and Pokemon Go is filling that niche quite well.
Sports foods marketed toward athletes can fill a niche when you need energy on the go; they should not, however, replace other foods.»
The fact that the field overlaps with numerous others means that biosystems engineers are often competing for the same jobs with biological scientists, and so the competition is fierce, particularly when a company is looking to fill a niche position.
Being able to play a game on the go is one of the Nintendo Switch's more appealing aspects and 12 Orbits fills this niche perfectly.
The V60 will simultaneously fill a niche vacated by the departed V70 and V50 station wagons, which have been gone for a few years now, but it remains to be seen whether the U.S. market still has an appetite for moderately sized, premium - priced station wagons.
With that said, Chromebooks have definitely filled another niche in the electronics market that none of us knew we wanted until Google said we could have it.
I understand the frustrations, as a lot of these games do fill a niche Nintendo seems unwilling to fill themselves, but the fans do know what they're doing in making these games, and the risks involved.
Further, having the chance to do these face - to - face meetings has really filled a niche, Aten said.
A cool - season bluegrass called Poa supina might literally fill a niche on northern athletic fields.
Smartphones generally don't have UV sensors (for now), so the June fills a niche that no one else looks to be touching.
Monkeys are able to successfully fill their niche, we are able to fill ours.
By focusing its attention on the processor market, Deli Star fills a niche that few others are willing or able to accommodate.
«Empire filled the niche for a funky pizza place that's open late with a full bar that we definitely had never seen in the state.»
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