Sentences with phrase «to find an agent»

"To find an agent" means to search for and connect with a person who represents and promotes individuals or entities, usually in the entertainment industry or professional fields. The agent's job is to help their clients secure opportunities, negotiate deals, and advance their careers. Full definition
I can give you advice on finding an agent in your genre, but I don't write query letters or book proposals.
As a new author, you may be obsessed with finding an agent who will help you publish your manuscript.
Just take the first step by finding an agent near you to start the pain - free process.
Find an agent today for information about coverage options and ways to make your coverage as affordable as possible.
But I am working on finding an agent for another book and am beginning with referrals via a friend's agent.
Finding an agent with in - depth local knowledge is key because every neighbourhood has its own challenges when it comes to real estate.
Authors did not go directly to the publisher but focused their efforts on finding an agent if they could who would present the book idea to the publisher on behalf of the author.
My main problem is that I haven't found an agent who's willing to submit random low - ball offers.
The 2011 profile found that 39 percent of sellers and 41 percent of buyers find an agent through referrals.
And even if / when you do find an agent, they can not guarantee they'll find you a publisher.
As if finding an agent — any agent — isn't hard enough, finding one who's the right match for us is even harder.
More than a quarter (26 percent) of buyers find an agent online.
Let them know you can help find agents for those purchases as well.
To obtain a commercial insurance quote, visit them online and find an agent close to you.
When he finally found an agent willing to shop the book around, it took the agent a full year to secure a publisher.
Many — if not most — writers want to find an agent at some point in their writing career.
First, those who found their agent via a recommendation tended to be much happier with the experience.
Then find an agent who believes in you — with the knowledge, connections, and energy to make things happen.
Or do you think even great writing can have a hard time finding an agent?
Only 3 percent of buyers find their agent through newspaper ads, and 2 percent find them through direct mail such as postcards or newsletters.
I'll go find an agent who likes it when their client pays cash and comes back multiple times.
I finally found an agent who is prompt, knowledgeable, friendly, and always finding my family the best deal.
If you are seeking help in your quest for affordable life insurance, find an agent now.
Simply find an agent in your area and start getting quotes today.
Trusted Choice agents have offices throughout the state, so it should be easy to find an agent conveniently located near you.
But as with so many successful indie authors, the work of even finding an agent proved difficult in a publishing market that is so closely tied to the sales trends.
This is a free service (just like the others) that helps authors find agents.
When finding their agent, 46 percent of sellers with children preferred to get a recommendation from someone they knew.
Try to find an agent whose work portfolio is related to your topic.
Would you recommend finding an agent and trying to go the route of traditional publishing?
If you already know the neighborhood where you would like to live, find an agent within that community.
Good luck finding another agent or agency who will go that far to ensure you get the best deal possible.
From everything I am seeing and hearing right now, it is as difficult — if not more so — to find an agent as it is to find an publisher.
Having troubling finding the agents that really want your book?
I wouldn't worry so much about finding an agent unless you want to traditionally publish or have someone act as your publicist.
Obviously I'd like to get a huge deal, even if it means I have to find an agent first.
You can also find agents affiliated with insurance companies, but make sure you get a competitive quote.
The rules will also provide for a small exemption to the dual agency prohibition in situations where a property is so remote as to make finding another agent extremely difficult.
Just wondering how it took over a hour to my car in the complete and ready to go first in line but I had to go find the agent dealing with me.
This class, taught by a literary agent, will discuss finding an agent, the winding way of the publishing path, and what to expect of your agent partnership.
Quite a challenge to find an agent let alone a publisher for that kind of work.
Also, if you're a homeowner and have not found your agent yet, we work with a variety of agents who will cover the cost of home staging for you!
You can find agents here but you can also find other channels through which to sell your work.
Should I just find another agent and go at it that way?
Nearly as many Millennials find their agent online (29 %) as they do from a referral (31 %).
Fifty - three percent found their agent through a referral, compared with 36 percent of repeat buyers, many of whom sought the services of their previous agent.

Phrases with «to find an agent»

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