Sentences with phrase «to find hidden treasures»

However, it was like finding hidden treasure finding it in the back of my closet.
I'm loving this whole look, the photos are a call to action... Go to the flea market make your home unique and special find those hidden treasures..
The objective is to find hidden treasure while avoiding cannon balls from other pirates.
«Now, with more headlines and more examples of where to look, you can bet that malicious actors have already written the equivalent of search engines to more automatically find these hidden treasures of sensitive data», Johnson said.
It is so elegant and feminine.I love finding hidden treasures during my shopping.
The Legend of Korra mainly consists of beating up tons of dudes, walking a linear path to the next area, and then beating up some more dudes, trying to rack up combos and find hidden treasures along the way.
The pirate - themed game will allow players to take to the sky to explore lost lands in their own customizable flying pirate ship to find hidden treasure as a Buccaneer, Witchdoctor, Privateer, Swashbuckler or a Musketeer.»
Guess you'll have to find the hidden treasures on your own!)
There are houses waiting for the player to break in and find the hidden treasures which are waiting for their taker — in this case — stealer.
Reading A Magic Dark and Bright was a bit like finding a hidden treasure chest and unlocking it to gaze upon a beautiful gem.
Instead of just giving you an obvious chest full of loot, you actually have to scour the area to find the hidden treasures in realistic locations.
You and your lover may find some hidden treasures while out and about... or, at the very least, find some less valuable trinkets to laugh about.
Joseph was employed by Josiah Stowel to find hidden treasures in the ground by gazing into a stone.
Wow, I just stumbled upon your blog and found that I had found a hidden treasure:) your blog is beautiful, as are all the pictures and foods.
It's a room - escape game; you choose your room, each has a different scenario, and you get an hour to work with your teammates to defeat a mysterious evil force, travel back to Ancient China and find a hidden treasure, or work with an immortal alchemist to discover a vast and ancient power.
As they are captured by O'Neil, an alchemist, they are forced to aid him in finding a hidden treasure he believes is buried in the field.
X-Story is an animated short made by Russian animator Vitaliy Shushko that is a cyberpunk adventure about a guy who gets a «bionic power arm» and goes to find hidden treasure.
After Tintin refuses to sell his ship to a pair of overeager buyers, he discovers the Unicorn happens to be the key to finding a hidden treasure.
The powerpoint illustrates a journey taken through a desert island to find hidden treasure.
Hank writes from his own experiences which is such a valuable tool and gives his fresh insight into uncharted waters to give you the map you need to find the hidden treasure: — Brae Wyckoff
Even today when you are digging up an old house chances that you find a hidden treasure are high.
Changing the world for Camo will be like finding the hidden treasure.
Hide a treat inside and have your kitten search and open the chest to find the hidden treasure!
Your dog will put his nose to work to find the hidden treasures.
At the beginning of the oldest street in the United States, you will find a hidden treasure - The Spanish Military Hospital Museum.
Maybe you want to be an explorer, discover uncharted realms, find hidden treasures, piece together ancient stories and become known as a trailblazer this the brave new world?
You are given a set amount of turns to complete a quest, and these quests may be resource collection, fighting targets, or finding hidden treasures.
You can earn Hacksilver in the game by killing enemies or finding the hidden treasure chests, but it will still be a pretty paltry amount compared to what is usually required for crafting or upgrades.
Interact and unlock certain objects such as bookcases, paintings to find hidden treasure, objects you can interact with will highlight and once you active them you get a small puzzle to solve, manage to do this correctly and you get your treasure, sort of like lock - picking in other games, although some tools needed to solve certain puzzles are unlocked later in the game and these can be upgrade once you are able to acquire them.
It's important that the game controls well since you'll be playing through 20 levels full of puzzles, with another 20 unlocked if you know how to find hidden treasure chests in each level.
You can unleash your inner pirate after you find a hidden treasure map and then dig that up afterwards.
You need a sharp eye and persistent nature to find the hidden treasure and unlock the secret game mode!
In the previous game, you could find hidden treasure chests that gave you items that enhanced the characters» abilities, though that has been done away with in this game and instead you can find collectible poems and artwork.
You'll eventually get a break from the wild scenarios to find hidden treasures you may have missed before.
Those brave enough to stray from the beaten path will find hidden treasures, secret levels, and side quests.
Find hidden treasures, equipment and fire arms to prevail in a world full of perils: radiation, anomalies, harsh weather and enraged zombies.
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