Sentences with phrase «to fit a line»

And little or no editing is done anymore in a traditional house beyond making a writer change a book to better fit a line of books.
Make the most of wall space in small bathrooms by fitting a line of storage units high up the wall.
Here's the real chart: The data points don't fit the line at all.
The solid black line is the least - squares fitted line and the blue lines indicate 95 percent prediction intervals for temperature using this linear relationship.
This best - fit line follows the same trend into the future and can be used to project the change of the climate variable in the coming years.
This model looks at the historical data of a climate variable (e.g., temperature) and has a best - fit line running through these data.
I notice that the slopes of your cooling fit lines steadily approach zero.
Now, you can't always fit a line to data.
Keep yourself behind the cultural fit line by creating a specific medical sales jobs cultural fit list.
Honestly, they just won't care if it doesn't fit their line.
Based on our experiences as teachers and teacher educators, and supported by our reading of the literature, giving, prompting, and making may provide a best - fitting line for discussing teaching and technology use.
Link to full size graphic Link to graph with plus / minus standard deviation overlays The single best fit line shown, with another appallingly low R ^ 2, matches that Official Trend.
Anyway, WTF is this drivel about fitting lines through random / multi component oscillating data?
Good fit Line dries relatively quickly Unique solid color options Fun print options.
We calculate CO inner radii by fitting line profiles with a simple parameterized model.
To test for differences in growth rates between genotypes, we fit the data using linear models regressing larval weight against age and tested for differences in the interaction term between larval age and genotype using ANCOVA and post hoc comparisons of the slopes of fitted lines using lstrends (HH and lsmeans packages).
I was excited to learn about the Boohoo fit line.
Dress has a knee length fitted lining inside that the gown glides over.
I've got lots of fittings lined up this week as well as blog posts to do.
These conditions forced BMW to hastily fit the line of 5 Series parked outside with winter tires, which made the engineers on hand quite grumpy.
The best fit line almost goes through the origin, and the slope is — 0.0993.
The best fit line explains about 50 % of the variation in changes in the S&P 500.
Perhaps it's my age (I remember when I had do do linear regressions with a pencil and paper for the sums, and a slide rule to help with the squares and square roots), but a fundamental principle of a linear least squares regression is that the best fit line passes through the point represented by the mean X and mean Y values.
Shorthand for determining a gradient by fitting a line.
He measures the VIX futures term structure as the slope of a best - fit line for VIX (spot value) and closing prices for available VIX futures as a function of time to maturity.
One approach would be to use the equation for the red Best Fit line in the figure, which is:
The value given for the Global Temperature Trend is 0.14 degC / decade, which is in good agreement with the slope of the best fit line shown.
The red and blue lines («isophenes») were made by least - squares fitting a line to the latitude - ice - out relationship, then plotting the resulting April 15th contour.
The responses I got were either, «This doesn't suit our needs at this time,» or «Wow, I liked this a lot, but it doesn't fit our line / paranormal isn't selling right now.»
Hi Kellyann, Covered Perfectly is a definitely a high quality, well fitting line of classic tops.
This activity is appropriate for KS4 as it provides a context for understanding the outcomes of drawing best fit lines.
It's decked out in Ronnie Peterson's livery from the 1977 season, albeit reimagined to fit the lines of the more modern car.
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