Sentences with phrase «to fit into society»

I think you underestimate the fact that mainstream religion has always ignored the parts of religion that did not fit into the society of the time.
They want to know how we thought they would fit into society as adults, if they hadn't been through the ups and downs of school life.
What I'm not saying is to fit into society at all costs.
Having been mentally sick myself and having seen the misery of those who do not fit into society anymore, I know how comforting it is when someone listens to you without judging.
Even a shock to some, because to them their child just fit into society's normal.
Will they be able to fit into society as adults if they haven't been through the ups and downs of school life?
It's a love story about two creatures who come together because they don't fit into society.
Christ overturned the tables of the money changers, Christ challenged the authorities and values around him; Christ decidedly did not fit into the society of the day.
It's because they are content at the social level, and want to fit into society more than cultivate a meaningful relationship and commitment with their God.
How does a person who is neither humanitarian nor beast fit into society — especially when that society is as socially demarcated as Germany of the Third Reich?
Though no lobster emerges, Lanthimos aims to show that not only are people pressured to marry in order to fit into every society currently existing: at the same time, those who opt to join a culture in which romantic attachments are greatly discouraged will find their lives equally intolerable.
We're also reminded of where The Outer Limits fits into a society that was shell - shocked by JFK's assassination and, later, joyously greeted the Beatles.
This class provides a sociological and historical view of education and how teachers fit into society's expectations of how students must be taught.
We may never fit into society like those who haven't experienced what we have, but we can make that work in our favor, especially when it comes to jobs — it takes a special person who is incredibly brave and strong to live abroad, travel abroad and make lives like that for themselves.
LG: Taylor, I'm curious where you see YouTube fitting into society at large in terms of just the way people consume content right now.
It's a little disconcerting, their apparent concern for making sure our children fit into the society as it is.
Because Rita has a history of seizures, she didn't fit into the society's regular adoption program.
Any responsibilities we have are our own or determined by our need to fit into society.
It wasn't until I realized that I didn't have to fit into society's definition or idea of me that I started being happy.
Runners and couch potatoes, for example, form distinct groups with attitudes and diverse lifestyle habits that influence how and where they fit into society.
This film shows what a couple of days in his life are like as Josiah struggles to try and fit into a society and an industry that never looks much beyond the outer shell to the person inside.
Fin McBride (Peter Dinklage) is a young man born with dwarfism that has consistently struggled to fit into society.
This class honestly helped me come to the conclusion that I should not care so much about society's opinion or fitting into society.
How will they fit into a society that does not believe in looking back?
«Finding where you fit into society is kind of rough,» he says.
Deleuze compares the serpent to the man of control who is «undulatory, in orbit, in a continuous network» — a person who is asked to be always ready for processes of constant physical and mental changes, in order to fit into society and its needs.
They are also required to provide both emotional and behavior support so that they can fit into society.
Meanwhile, throughout our childhood, we are also being socialized, molded by our caretakers and communities to fit into society.
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