Sentences with phrase «to fit one's beliefs»

If something doesn't fit your belief system in whatever realm it may be, read about it.
I have studied some of the common religions on my own and have yet found one to fit my belief system.
Those who trust scientists are more influenced by research findings or major science organizations, but those who don't trust scientists know where to find alternative sources that better fit their beliefs.
Blind to any reality that doesn't fit his beliefs.
Know what kind of investor you are and the stock investing strategies that best fit your beliefs and personality.
It's only in the last century that people have tried to make the Bible fit their beliefs rather then align their life with what the bible says, and look at the results, the world is in turmoil and on a downward spiral out of control and this article is a good example of trying to make God's word an excuse to do every wrong thing there is real good reporting.
Both embrace science, don't need to rationalize reality to fit their belief model.
Once we form beliefs and make commitments to them, we maintain and reinforce them through a number of powerful cognitive biases that distort our percepts to fit belief concepts.
I went to a theological seminary outside Chicago and spent ten years as a priest before I realized many things no longer fit my beliefs and experiences.
So the account of Noah in the Bible gets retold over and over again among many different cultures and societies and by the time you get it, the gist of the story is the same but some of the details have changed because someone somewhere decided to add an angle to the story that fits their belief in their god.
As they accuse skeptics of rejecting science, they reject all science that does not fit their belief systems.
It is important to think for yourself and not be swayed by others who may be threatened by your relationship because it doesn't fit their belief system.
First, compile a list of affirmations that fit your beliefs and core values.
ID, in its true form, makes no such presumption - although I admit many religious people maul it to fit their beliefs.
I don't get to change the text to fit my beliefs.
Your silly notion of simply assuming I only ignore the passages that don't fit my beliefs is also very typical of pharisees... er... fundamentalists.
So it sounds like you are making an assumption to fit the belief you already have.
They use language that fits their beliefs.
Isn't that what you're doing Bill, only opposite to make it fit your beliefs?
They have changed God's laws to fit their beliefs.
Nothing is necessarily wrong with this except for the fact that you conservative Christians are trying to justify and spin her philosophy to fit your beliefs and it doesn't work that way.
That's why I don't like Darwinfish — I'm going to put an Atheist Atom symbol on my car — it's a positive symbol discussing what we do believe, and it fits my beliefs, rather than a negative defining us as an offshoot or parody of religion.
When people say gay people cant get married because the bible says so are ignorant and they just pick and chose passage that fit their beliefs.
You've got to find your own well - fitting beliefs, so that you can feel comfortable in your own skin.
«You can't decide the facts are different because they don't fit your beliefs,» Griffin says in regards to Cox's statements.
It fits my belief that unstructured playtime is a necessary and important part of early childhood education (learn through play).
Collection of papers explores how and why the public bends scientific findings to fit their beliefs
Not only do we disregard contrary ideas but we also interpret ambiguous ones to fit our beliefs.
We all skew evidence - based information to fit our beliefs — figuring out when and why could show us how to restore the delusion - busting power of facts
«We try to understand the world as [if] it was done to fit our beliefs, framework and senses.
Clean eating means something different to everyone, and people modify the term to fit their beliefs, personal experiences, and irrational fears.
Many women on paleo do in fact still struggle with their weight, but instead of admitting that the diet is inefficient (too high in fat and calories), you just change the whole schema to fit your beliefs: Paleo women are a little bigger, so it must be that thin women must be unhealthy.
When you have a clear ideology, your options become limited to strategies that fit your beliefs.
Indeed, in the post-Darwinian world, Catastrophism seemed to reflect the emotional turmoil of Cuvier and his pupil Agassiz, men who opposed evolution for religious reasons, and who were obliged to invoke violent upheaval to fit their beliefs to the geological record.
For him, the important dynamic is that people are driven «to accept claims that fit our beliefs and reject those that clash with them».
They're part of marriage that our ill - fitting beliefs don't prepare us to handle effectively.
If you're well - adjusted to ill - fitting beliefs that permeate society, you're going to have trouble.
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