Sentences with phrase «to fix the subways»

The phrase "to fix the subways" means to repair or make improvements to the underground train system. Full definition
His agenda as speaker includes congestion pricing for for - hire vehicles, municipal single - pay health care, and the city contributing a substantial amount of money to fix the subway system.
For example, he touched lightly on fixing the subway crisis.
Apparently, he thinks the MTA can fix the subway without any money.
But he said there should be other funding sources to avoid taking money away from fixing the subway.
Over the weekend, de Blasio rode the F train at the 4th Avenue — 9th Street station and said that Cuomo is responsible for fixing the subway system.
A liberal former state lawmaker (Richard Brodsky) and a conservative fiscal watchdog (EJ MCMahon) have joined forces — calling on the state to redirect billions of dollars in unspent legal settlement money to help fix the subways.
«I would like to see more from her on how she would actually go about fixing the subway system, but I applaud her actively comprehending what's going on.»
MTA Chairman Joe Lhota put out a statement saying the city didn't want to fix the subway in any way.
The state claims it forced the city's hand through the budget agreements, according to the Post, while city officials claim that they only agreed to the budget deal because they were able to ensure that the city - contributed funds would only go toward fixing the subway and nothing else.
«Today, Governor Cuomo and the [congestion pricing] panel have taken the first steps toward truly fixing our subway crisis and relieving unrelenting traffic congestion in Manhattan,» said Nick Sifuentes, Executive Director of the Tri-State Transportation Campaign.
Nixon says fixing the subways is at the top of her agenda.
But Sanders did say he was not taking sides in the skirmish between the mayor and Gov. Andrew Cuomo about how to finance fixing the subways.
He's emphasized his efforts to force Con Ed to improve the reliability of its electrical supply to the city's subways (while underplaying the role that the MTA's own electrical infrastructure plays in its ongoing subway problems) and launched a «genius» competition to find new ideas to fix the subways faster, and more cheaply.
«He spent a quarter of a million dollars on [decorative] lights on bridges instead of fixing the subways,» Kolb said of the governor's initiative to fit New York City bridges with colorful LED lights amid a summer of daily subway failures.
Over the weekend, de Blasio rode the F train at the 4th Avenue — 9th Street station and asserted to reporters that Cuomo is responsible for fixing the subway system.
New York is looking for a leader who will take the lead on fixing the subway system and mass transit more generally.
(Cuomo has since pledged an extra billion dollars to help fix the subway's decaying infrastructure, though it later emerged that the MTA was using those funds for other purposes.)
That thing when you're headed to talk about fixing the subways and your train goes out of service.
But he said the surcharge should be the same for all, higher than yellow and green cabs pay now, and be used to fund the emergency plan to fix the subways.
«Everyone: Fix the subway.
On Thursday, Governor Andrew Cuomo celebrated achieving the full funding goal for the emergency action plan to fix the subway, but also used that moment to criticize the city, saying repairs would have gone a lot faster if the city had contributed sooner, the Wall Street Journal reports.
Would she fix the subway?
After months spent bickering over whether the city would contribute to this emergency fund to fix the subway, the city finally committed to spending $ 418 million toward the plan — this came with a «lock box» provision that ensures that these funds will only be used for subway repairs and nothing else.
She vowed to fix the subway — a service she and all other New Yorkers use every day; one that Cuomo doesn't, Nixon said in her speech.
Finally, we have a plan for fixing the subways, thanks to new MTA chair Joe Lhota (appointed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, since the state, not New York City, runs the subways).
Transit: The mayor often touts the successes of his Vision Zero traffic safety initiative - which his campaign says has reduced traffic deaths by 23 percent since 2014 - his plan to fix the subway's crumbling infrastructure has been met with mixed reviews.
Another big reason the MTA needs to fix the subways.
«The intent of this competition is to bring to bear the reality of what 5.5 million New Yorkers suffer on the subways every single day to the powers that be in Albany — from the executive chamber on the second floor of the capitol, to the members of the state senate and the state assembly, that they fix the subway once and for all.»
«I think that the report and [Cuomo's] commitment to fixing the subways will make a big dent on traffic gridlock.»
While Governor Cuomo is an advocate of congestion pricing to raise funds to fix the subways, Mayor de Blasio has called the idea «inconceivable.»
When asked how she would fix the subways, Nixon called for new funding and again attacked the governor for focusing on cosmetic subway enhancements, instead of service improvements during his first two terms in office.
Sliwa said as a candidate his top priority would be fixing the subways.
Next month, MTA chief Joe Lhota will reveal details of his $ 836 million action plan to fix the subway, but that rescue plan may not be all that effective if the MTA isn't able to secure any money from the city, the New York Daily News reports.
«We can't say, «Well, we don't trust the MTA, so therefore we're not willing to come up with the revenue that's needed to fix the subway,»» he said.
The subway - workers union and transit watchdogs are questioning whether the MTA can meet its goal of hiring some 2,700 new maintenance staff as part of its new plan to fix the subways, pointing to problems recruiting for these specialized jobs.
It is part of Cuomo's «all hands on deck» approach to fixing the subway — an effort that will require an influx of money and workers.
The MTA's new plan to fix the subways focuses on alleviating those delays.
Once aboard, Hizzoner — who was joined by a pack of journalists — launched into a diatribe against Cuomo and MTA Chairman Joe Lhota, who last week blamed de Blasio for refusing to spend the city's $ 4 billion - plus budget surplus to fix the subways.
«Governor Cuomo is taking a vital step, which is to declare that it's squarely his responsibility to fix the subway,» said Riders Alliance executive director John Raskin in a statement.
He must do his job and fix the subways
Any serious plan to fix the subway will require billions of dollars to implement, and this congestion pricing plan would make that possible.»
The mayor will testify this morning before a joint Assembly - Senate budget committee against the backdrop of an ongoing push to fix the subway, a catch - all cry to bolster mass transit through new funding and at least greatly reduce the delays and breakdowns that have marred the system.
Albanese believes that, despite control of the MTA being largely in the hands of the governor, the city can still play a bigger role in fixing its transit issues; he has pledged to add $ 1 billion in city money to the MTA capital plan, in order to fix the subway's ailing signals, among other things.
He also said the city was forced by the state to cough up more money to fix the subway system, which is overseen by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), a state - run agency.
Johnson argued the city and the state should focus on fixing the subway.
«Dealing with the federal government isn't easy these days, so let's move on to something that actually is: fixing the subways,» he said.
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