Sentences with phrase «to flood the area»

The phrase "to flood the area" means to cover or fill up a place with a large amount of something, like water or people. Full definition
The natural light that floods this area of the house is incredible.
There are high risk flood areas all over the state.
Plus, when you hear a loud crash at the other end of your home at 2 a.m., you can use your smartphone to flood the area with light.
It is required for properties located in federally designated flood areas.
The reason for this mainly lies in the frequency of flooding the area sees.
But even if you're not in a potential flood area, your home could still be at risk.
She shops regularly at the flagship store, she said, but acknowledged that it could be a hassle with all the tourists flooding the area.
(5) Using a spoon, carefully flood the area to fill the cookie within the border.
Choose plants carefully — There are many plants that do well in rain gardens or occasionally flooded areas.
The few places that are available to camp on are often covered by water during the many floods this area sees.
I kind of feel like people are scared to buy homes that were in flooded areas (although there were a lot).
It is required for properties located in federally designated flood areas.
The body attempts to inhibit and immobilise itself to prevent any further damage by flooding the area with fluid.
Many of his people went into flooded areas to pump out basements with their own equipment and to help move trash to bins.
The ban on non-emergency driving had been lifted earlier in the week, but Hein continued to ask people to proceed with caution and not to drive through flooded areas.
Old - school conservation might have called for flooding the area temporarily, something bird - watchers did in fact insist on when the spoonbill population crashed.
People outside of mapped high - risk flood areas file nearly 25 percent of all NFIP flood insurance claims and receive one - third of Federal Disaster Assistance for flooding.
Vic When visiting Niagara Falls I often see a rainbow above the falls which reassures me that god may not flood my area of the world anytime soon, although He seems to be trashing other areas of the world on a regular basis.
While residents in the most flooded areas increased their credit card balances on average by $ 700 (a 22 percent increase over their average balance of $ 3200 prior to the storm), the increase was only temporary, with subsequent quarters showing statistically insignificant changes to credit card balances.
President Sein asked IRRI to develop and share improved rice varieties that respond to unfavorable environments of the hilly and dry regions in the country's north, and the wet and frequently flooded areas in the south.
Texas National Guard soldiers arrive in Houston, Texas to aid citizens in heavily flooded areas from the storms of Hurricane Harvey.
You can then expose these spots to sun through mowing or pruning, or simply flood the area periodically.
Creating a Habitat Most micro-species come from habitats where the water is slow moving, such as swamps, lakes and even seasonally flooded areas of the jungle.
I mentioned creeks, consider other wetlands, and or 100 year flood areas, low - lying run - off areas.
He's playing 1.62 open play key passes per 90 minutes and maintained his 1.77 completed dribbles stat despite now being used in a more flooded area of the pitch.
Critics of the plan, however, remained unconvinced — arguing that plugging the project with $ 50 million in taxpayer funds is misdirected in an area that still struggles against heat and power outages, and where a number of stores remain shuttered since Hurricane Sandy flooded the area.
Rain and storms will move northwards, flooding areas north of New York and leaving southern areas short of water.
Once the fear was relieved, people flooded these areas with cash from the sidelines.
They help with digestion by squeezing the abdominal organs, and once you're out of the twist, fresh blood and lymphatic fluids flood the area.
In the case of Baton Rouge, an unnamed rainstorm flooded areas near the city.
Flooded areas along Stewart Road, Melbourne and rain on US 1 during Hurricane Irma.
The effect of this trio really slowed Man Utd down until Capoue was removed and David Moyes flooded this area with his substitutes.
Rains in parts of Accra have flooded some areas destroying property and rendering some people homeless.
Critics of adding subway service to the neighborhood have worried about such a project's sustainability, considering that superstorm Sandy badly flooded the area.
With the hash tag #Accrafloods, several listeners of the Citi Breakfast Show on Thursday shared photos of flooded areas lamenting the recurrence of a problem that...
The FDA recommends a 30 foot buffer between flooded areas and fields that can still yield edible food.
While I was there, I took a semester off to work at another field station, on Barro Colorado Island in Panama, a former hilltop that was marooned when the Panama Canal flooded the area.
«This is the biggest flood this area of Texas has ever seen,» state governor Greg Abbott said on Monday.
When the injury occurs, immune cells called microglia flood the area.
Monroe County Sustainability Program Manager Rhonda Haag talks about the program to raise the roads in the Florida Keys after Hurricane Irma flooded the area this past September.
In the United States, it's not that uncommon for a rainy period to gradually flood an area, and then a burst of rain will create a flash flood with little warning, Kelsch told OurAmazingPlanet.
Now just hoping for a small break in the rain so our bayous and majorly flooded areas can go down too!
Flooded areas appear dark blue or black, vegetation appears in shades of dark and light green, and sands, soils and minerals appear in a variety of colors.
Premiums Insurers will charge a premium that is commensurate with the risk and thus a school located in a known flood area can expect to pay more for this part of the portfolio.
Neighborhood residents and Audubon Charter School parents got a first look Tuesday night at plans for the school's proposed temporary campus in the Lower Garden District and began voicing concerns about the safety of the neighborhood, before a sudden downpour flooded the area and forced an early end to the meeting.
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