Sentences with phrase «to fly drones»

Do not fly your drone over people crowds of people.
Q: If an exemption is approved, does a pilot still need a formal pilots license to legally fly a drone for commercial use?
Lawmakers are increasingly concerned about a incidents and accidents caused by flying drones in dangerous or restricted areas.
For example, companies still can't legally fly drones at night or outside the line of sight of their operators without special exemption — two possible barriers to routine drone deliveries.
It has 4 different speed settings, so if you are flying this drone with kids, they've got a tailor - made specification to safely operate.
Do not fly your drone over airports or military areas.
You could fly a drone around campus and say the scenery is spectacular.
These are the best drones ever made, allowing your dad to fully leverage the benefits of flying a drone.
The goal is to use the registry as a way to pinpoint bad actors who fly drones in restricted areas like airports and over sports events.
There are a lot of things to think about before flying a drone indoors.
He said that 72 of those waivers deal with operations involving flying drones at night.
Our experts researched and reviewed some of the fastest flying drones on the market to bring you a top ten list, so you can start winning drone races ASAP.
While flying a drone might be a fun hobby, it also carries serious financial risks that could be anything but fun if something goes wrong.
A group of mechanical engineering students are working on a project that will fly drones into the middle of tornadoes in an effort to learn more about the inner workings of these destructive storms.
Finding a spot to safely fly your drone may be a treasure hunt of its own, but luckily, through the magic of technology, there are online resources for that.
You can fly the drone without having to worry about its orientation.
Some examples include flying a drone too close to an airport or stadium or higher than 400 feet.
Currently, it's illegal to fly drones out of the line of sight.
Next, carefully fly your drone through an obstacle race of objects around you.
It also has gravity induction which allows you to fly your drone forward, backward, left, and right in correspondence to the angle at which you hold your mobile device.
You shouldn't be flying your drone high in the air, over other people, or out of your line of sight.
Most of these drones have an app that can be downloaded and then used to fly the drone right from your smartphone.
In the car to the right, that guy just flew a drone strike in the country next door.
Well, it was silent until someone flew a drone over the cliff top from the castle.
This makes it easy to control and fly your drone knowing what's around you.
It includes everything a beginner needs to get started flying drones.
Brilliant LED lights mean you can enjoy flying your drone and shooting video even at night.
They are even able to detect a low - flying drone passing overhead.
The breakthrough could in theory allow flying drones to stay airborne indefinitely — simply hovering over a ground support vehicle to recharge — opening up new potential industrial applications.
The alien enemy types are some of the most interesting, with flying drones attacking from the sky and transport ships that drop insects down onto the battlefield.
Still, I can't really imagine flying the drone that far, as it'd be impossible to see and steer with your own eyes by then.
Despite eliminating the requirement that operators hold a pilot's license, anyone looking to fly drones commercially will still have to comply with strict requirements designed to protect people on the ground.
Still, the new ruling does not allow for businesses to fly drones at night, beyond the line of site of human drone operators, or above the heads of pedestrians.
There's a big risk where people are flying drones over areas and are capturing this personal information.
Our tip is to start off flying the drone with little to no wind.
As outlined, the retailer is looking at blockchain tech as a way to track shipments that involve flying drones.
The regulatory distinction remains with the «purpose» of flying the drone.
If you don't fly a drone then no worries.
But after one hour - long talk describing some of his work in human - centered computing, such as flying drones with brainwaves, their teachers report a turn - around in their perceptions, Gilbert said.
The UK's aviation safety agency, the CAA, will be involved in helping work out safety rules for flying the drones beyond line of sight and the government, as well as those of other countries watching, will be using the outcome of these trials to refine drone regulations.
The researchers also hope to carry out experiments in more realistic environments, for instance by flying drones through a thunderstorm.
was fined # 800 and ordered to pay costs of # 3,500 after being prosecuted by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) for flying a drone within 50 metres of the Jubilee
The firm's CEO Andreas Raptopoulos is building an internet for stuff, which can transport small items over short distances using flying drones.
AirVu is a Cayman Islands - based drone firm that started off doing aerial real estate photography and then expanded into areas like flying drones over prisons to patrol perimeter fences.
Flying drones equipped with video cameras are a popular gift this year, but the Tompkins County Legislature is considering new rules that would limit uses for the unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs.
Current rules do not let people fly drones beyond the line of sight of human operators and over people's heads in public places, which limits companies like Amazon (amzn) and Google (goog) from using drones to deliver goods, among other business uses, beyond testing.
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