Sentences with phrase «to fly the coop»

"To fly the coop" means to leave a place or situation, often when someone wants to become independent or escape from restrictions or crowdedness. Full definition
It's just the two of us as all the kids flew the coop years ago and are scattered all over the US, but I still make a full Thanksgiving spread!
The unwillingly divorced or dumped are not known to be so happy (that's half of them versus the ones who flew the coop for new loves or lives, although divorced women with children do tend to become happier than many married women with children).
Still, as in the past, it was well over a year before the 2001 Inc 500 companies that were started at home finally flew the coop, often with handful of employees in tow.
With so much chicken goodness, no one's going to fly the coop at dinnertime!
The early bird flies the coop, and the late bird won't get the worm — in this case, substantial savings.
It was an unexpectedly active year for M&A activity, with Canadian companies acquiring abroad and even repatriating brands that had once flown the coop
The first assignment for new Cavs owner Dan Gilbert is to make sure LeBron James doesn't fly the coop
One of the longest - serving Under - 21 squad members, unlike so many others who have flown the coop in recent years, such as Matty James, Ben Pearson and Larnell Cole, he now looks set to get his chance in the first team.
She then flew the coop, refusing to answer reporters» questions.
And DeFran will fly the coop within minutes if he was in the minority taking his millions to Sanibel Florida, money he reaped from his «slip and fall» law practice in Syracuse.
In another development, doctors announced last week that, for the first time, an experimental vaccine appears to protect some people against the H5N1 avian flu (SN: 9/10/05, p. 171: When Flu Flies the Coop).
But over the past 20 years a flood of discoveries has shown that mammals thrived and diversified in the heyday of the dinosaurs, and a new study suggests that our ancestors and relatives had a big evolutionary burst millions of years before dinosaurs flew the coop.
My oldest has just recently flown the coop to go to college.
Upon his return, he not only discovers that Abby has hatched in his absence, but that shes completely flown the coop!
Having flown the coop of the Flaherty family farm in Dummerston, VT, back in 1958, the Robert Flaherty Film Seminar has been migrating ceaselessly...
Also starring «Eden» actor Roman Kolinka, along with Edith Scob («Eyes Without a Face,» «Holy Motors «-RRB-, «Things to Come» details the later - life crisis of a married philosophy teacher after her husband leaves her and her grown children fly the coop.
Although the Count comes across as an overly precautionary dad, the story gives good reason for his reticence to let Mavis fly the coop.
If you have kids, they may soon fly the coop.
In Kakariko Village, there is a Side Quest called Flown the Coop.
In other news, eight more IW staffers have flown the coop since our last update; including one of their HR employees.
Which sculpture would you like to see on Trafalgar Square's Fourth Plinth when the Blue Cock flies the coop?
• Recognizing the signs of an unhappy attorney • How to keep attorneys from flying the coop • Incentives to energize an attorney's productivity • Creating a meaningful communication flow between attorneys and management
Along with the old flagship smartphones, the NVIDIA Shield, two Cardboard VR headsets and a Dell Chromebook have also flown the coop.
Even those who have amicably divorced have done so because one of them has essentially flown the coop to pursue another career, another relationship, or another place.
After falling for an 1820s home in the outskirts of Washington, D.C., a city dweller flies the coop for a simpler way of life in a close - knit village.
Well, it seems summertime is winding down, kids go back to school this week and my daughter Summer moves into her College dorm on friday (not liking that idea too much... but this mama hen's got to let her last chickie fly the coop!)
Since my kids flew the coop we eat them for lunch the next day and sometimes several days.
With Steve Guttenberg finally flying the coop and ditching this sinking ship while he still had a name for himself, this is George Gaynes film most of the way, as it revolves around Cmdt.
The original game's veritable flock of romantic options have flown the coop for this sequel, making the game feel like a largely wasted opportunity when compared to its predecessor.
Red Bull gives you wings, with which four - time Formula 1 champion Sebastian Vettel will use to fly the coop at Red Bull Racing.
But once those birds fly the coop, the price increases to $ 1190 (VAT included).
Still, there are plenty of travelers trying to fly the coop this Labor Day weekend.
Being in a negative - equity position with lots of top line and disposable income each month is generally more of a mental burden than a reason to fly the coop.
You would be annoyed, angry, and feel like common sense had flown the coop.
My wife is also retired and our kids have flown the coop.
No, permission to fly the coop is just one more feint in the owner - taxpayer game of chicken.
The Ox got some good advice and flew the coop... look at his performances for Liverpool... Wenger did not recognise the ox's class
Plus once it's time for them to fly the coop they'll be in less of a hurry because they'll understand how good they've got it at home (hopefully).
Doesn't look like Pigeon will be able to fly the coop.
The P might have flown the coop but the DP was present and so it was time for DPMQs.
Stay the course, stay in the room, and learn by being exactly where you are without acting on the impulse to fly the coop.
I work fulltime from home, the past 10 years, and my last child is about to fly the coop.
Now that my husband's retired, and my children have flown the coop I woke up one day and decided I would write a book.
Sometimes it feels as though my brain has flown the coop.
Whether your children have flown the coop, or they're still in nappies, it can be a little tricky navigating the dating scene when you've got kids in tow.
The other 2 have «flown the coop» but we are still very close.
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