Sentences with phrase «to fly the public»

The phrase "to fly the public" means to transport or carry passengers on an aircraft. Full definition
Nowadays, fuel surcharges are still airlines» favorite slight - of - hand trick allowing them to pay lesser commissions to outside agents and, more importantly, profit from the segment of flying public they truly despise — us.
But double that thrill, add in the elation of a magically line - free security checkpoint, and subtract traffic - and - parking - induced stress, and you'll start to get an idea of what it's like to fly a public charter air carrier.
«I stand with airline pilots, flight attendants, and America's flying public against the FCC's ill - conceived 2013 plan to allow people to make cellphone calls on planes.
TripAdvisor looked at the busiest U.S. airports and user - generated reviews to see which ones were rated the best by the general flying public.
The safety of the nations flying public depends, in large part, on the aviation industry's compliance with safety regulations and the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) enforcement of those regulations when violations occur.
of CO2 emissions,» But I don't think they used the right stat, Conrad doesn't fly public.
In a notice posted in the Federal Register, the agency said «the risk to the flying public justifies» the quick adoption of the rule.
«It's an area that poses nearly zero risk to the flying public; it's a relatively benign area from an air - traffic standpoint,» said Paul McDuffee, Insitu vice president of government relations and strategy.
«To the flying public an air tragedy is an air tragedy, regardless of how it is classified,» said Tyler.
Until the CAB requires certification for ESAs the flying public will remain at risk.
He dismissed suggestions that the recent disasters had forever tainted the Malaysia Airlines brand in the eyes of the flying public.
Well said, a religious custom should not compromise security of the flying public.
TSA changes their policies and procedures regularly to meet the security needs of the flying public.
Safety and security of the flying public is of prime impotance.
«The Southwest Airlines emergency landing two weeks ago is an urgent and inspiring reminder of the importance of pilot training to keep the flying public safe,» he said.
Almost seven years after 50 people died in the crash of Flight 3407 in Clarence Center, the victims» families are still fighting to protect the flying public.
«This incident highlights the importance of what TSA and its dedicated security officers do each and every day in protecting the flying public,» Bart R. Johnson, TSA's Upstate New York federal security director, says.
«The safety of the flying public should never be compromised again,» said Representative Brian Higgins on the House floor Tuesday.
We're talking about keeping the flying public safe,» said Higgins.
«The life and safety of pilots, flight attendants and the flying public must be protected,» Ortiz said.
My job is to build a spaceship that is affordable and safe enough to fly the public.
«Enormous improvements must be made before tickets can be sold to fly the public,» Rutan says.
Since 2002, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Strategic Plan has been the product of extensive collaboration among leaders, industry stakeholders, the flying public, and employees.
The Drug Abatement Division is responsible for ensuring the safety of our flying public by regulating the aviation industry's compliance with the drug and alcohol regulations set forth in 14 CFR part 121, Appendices I and J, and 49 CFR part 40.
We don't know for sure which aircraft will have the cabin and which won't, we don't know what percentage of seats in each aircraft will be given over to Premium Economy and, perhaps most importantly, we don't really know when American Airlines plans on fully unleashing its Premium Economy product on the flying public....
Skyjacking reached a crescendo of 40 attempts on U.S. planes in 1969, forcing the implementation of new security measures designed to protect the flying public.
In plain speak this means that oneworld Basic Economy fares are about to be unleashed on the flying public.
Cabin crew are being hit by cuts behind the scenes and then have to face the flying public who are increasingly up in arms about the cuts that we do actually see.
That's a nice score for the flying public.
I'd argue back that if you're a mileage runner, you're probably not a general member of the flying public.)
(You could argue spending $ 25,000 a year isn't that easy for general members of the flying public who don't know about manufactured spend techniques.
With two full widebody decks, offering widest seats, wide aisles and more floor space, the A380 has the unique capability to generate revenue, stimulate traffic and attract the flying public.
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