Sentences with phrase «to fly through someone»

If you aren't involved in any on - foot action, then you are typically hanging out at a friendly space station or flying through space in your personal fighting ship.
Feel the thrill of flying through the jungle canopy on a zip line.
Awesome barely begins to describe how it feels to be behind the controls of a small fighter ship while flying through ship yards and debris fields while in full combat.
The game runs rather smooth but you'll experience a brief slowdown during large explosions and when flying through enemy debris.
Your main objectives with the plane is to fly through rings, shoot balloons or targets and then land the plane on a water runway.
Each mode has its own setup and goal, from earning as many points as possible in a single life, to defeating enemies by flying through gates, rather than using weapons.
It's a series of different corners and when you are on new tyres and low fuel it feels like you are just flying through there, it's an amazing sensation.
The landscapes are beautiful and thrilling to run, jump, climb, swim and, if you're patient enough, even fly through.
It's like flying through air with it and an amazing experience.
This is also a cooperative affair and will see groups of up to five gamers at a time flying through hundreds of maps across three game modes.
Within the Score mode, there are assorted rings along the map for you to fly through in order to increase your score.
How do bugs and birds fly through the air?
That's usually what happens with us until about 2 days before the deal goes flying through.
The second race track features giant bumps which require either braking before hand or making sure you go over straight to avoid sending your car flying through the air or spinning out upon landing.
«I want to show these people exactly what's going on when these children are facing bullets flying through classrooms and students are dying trying to get an education,» he said.
This is an exciting game that lets your dog run at full speed then fly through the air in an effort to catch a flying disc.
It isn't long, then, until you're flying through levels without conscious thought.
The scientists were doing experiments while flying through hurricanes.
Perhaps the plane could fly through clouds to earn points?
The idea stems from the fact that, when a plane flies through an ambient electric field, its external electrical state, normally in balance, shifts.
You see, before it's converted into liver glycogen, it's also flown through the blood stream being readily available for energy.
As with many of these releases, you should try and catch the 3D version — I never grow tired of objects flying through the screen at me.
As your ships flies through the air, you have access to a variety of weapons and some truly epic boss battles that takes the player to a whole new plane of excitement.
This mid-range Android phone flies through basically anything you through at it, and features a lot of the advancements we've seen in Android since the 6's release.
No rods will come flying through the sides of this car's block — it doesn't have one.
When airplanes fly through these clouds, dose rates of cosmic radiation normally absorbed by air travelers can double or more.
He changed all the buildings around, but it's all based on real movement, with a real vehicle flying through air around buildings.
You will go into the test and there will be people flying through it.
In the trailer, we see the lead characters flying through the air as they explore the city.
Will men fly through the sky in the future without seeing what I have seen, without feeling what I have felt?
When I take a trip, I like to go minimal and leave most liquids at home in order to fly through security.
Although you can really fly through the levels at top speeds, these help indicators really keep the game moving at a fun pace without making things frustrating.
You may even trip her up in the school corridor and laugh with your friends as her books fly through the air.
And as a group, the bees usually flew through the wider opening, which makes sense.
The one on the left looks like things flying through the air.
We are nothing but a minute bunch of ants crawling on a wet rock flying through space.
The experiments were conducted in a wind tunnel in which trained bats flew through thin smoke to reach a stick with food on it.
We're not just talking about flying through the air firing guns or jumping away from explosions — it's also the little things.
It is, however, hard to recommend this title until it receives more content, because easily flying through 9 missions to just play three difficult boss battles isn't enough.
Find out how safe and how much fun flying through the trees were here.
A chance for me to tell my story to the world, in hopes to inspire some people to keep flying through the tough times.
The car feels like it was born for the track, and hits every turn and will fly through corners faster than you expect it to.
Or, try flying through a different airport to find a lower price.
When we are intimidated the wrong thoughts fly through our mind.
Even the best aircraft has trouble flying through a storm.
So picture what it would really be like to be a bird who can never fly through the sky with other birds.
With the flu flying through schools and homes, it seems inevitable that you or your kids will catch it (or something like it) at some point.
The game is an exploration flying game where users fly through a unique world, encounter its gods, and discover its hidden secrets.
It's early morning, and as I write this there is only one bear on the cam and a million salmon flying through the air.
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