Sentences with phrase «to follow analysis»

This book offers a practical, easy - to - follow analysis of the issue and presents solutions you can get excited about.
It provides you with a quick and an easy to follow analysis of your resume in just a few seconds allowing you to make improvements then and there.
Judith's upper arm bone (humerus) shows distinct signs of arthritis and osteomyelitis (bone infection)-- determined following analysis by Dr. Edward Iuliano, a radiologist at the Kadlec Regional Medical Cener, in Richland, Washington.
Then followed analysis of the syntax of single sentences.
Pham's team came to its conclusions following an analysis of data collected at 1,800 lung cancer screening sites across the United States.
Both posts followed the analyses she conducted after a VAMboozled follower emailed us expressing his suspicions about grade and subject area bias in his district in Tennessee, in which he was / still is a school administrator.
Following their analysis instead of conventional wisdom or the «gut feelings» of team scouts allowed them to be competitive with teams that spent a lot more money trying to buy players that were already proven.
We recommend that an anchoring or roll out phase is planned following the analysis phase.
Instead of following the analysis through, he merely re-emphasizes the problem.
This decision has been made following an analysis of the availability of environmental water to meet current and future environmental needs in the Gwydir catchment.
In a parenthetical statement following an analysis of the 1998 race for the Assembly, Hugh indicated that the campaign on my behalf «was only slightly less vicious».
The call to action follows analysis of over 800 tweets on tuition fees revealed that 40 per cent of people still had questions regarding tuition fees and sought advice amongst their peers about the repayments process.
Similar trends were observed following analysis of the AUC, which revealed significant reductions in insulin responses to glucose challenge after TE or WBV in db / db mice [Fig. 3 (c); post hoc comparison, db / db SED vs db / db WBV, t11 = 7.82, P < 0.01; db / db SED vs db / db TE, t11 = 10.91, P < 0.01].
Nistor was charged by Bedfordshire Police following analysis of her.
The warning follows analysis by the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) that suggests schools across the country could be # 17.5 million worse off by 2020.
Lastly follows an analysis of qualitative data collected at a public primary school (grades 1 - 6) in México during the spring / summer of 2004.
Functions of core public authorities such as BCC are subject to the Convention, not following an analysis of their nature, but simply because core authorities are obliged to observe Convention rights in all that they do.
Even more entertaining, and far more enlightening, is to follow the analyses by the experts in computer programming of the recently disclosed -LSB-...]
This comes following analysis of EduBase and school performance data.
It's not clear how closely Trump is following the analyses of the evolving House bill's impact from his 12 - day Asia trip.
The following analysis uses data from the Quarterly Sales by Price and Financing reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Early to mid-June: Following analysis of public comments on tariffs, USTR may revise its tariff list.
Before we dive deep, let's clarify something: The following analysis is based on the projected «Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings» (YMPE), a figure defined by the Canada Pension Plan as the maximum cap for what is fair game to be «payroll taxed» by the government.
5To simplify the following analysis, I shall assume (with Whitehead) that prehension is the only form of causal influence between actualities and that all eternal objects are uncreated and hence definite.
In our lectures on exegesis at Al Azhar University in Cairo — the oldest university in the world — the following analysis is used to point out the ways in which the literary form of the Qur» an transcends the powers of man and defies imitation.
Given the complexities and occasional inconsistencies in the development of Wieman's thought and his critique of Whitehead, the following analysis will be easier to follow if the general conclusions are outlined in advance.
It is hoped that the following analysis of research, as it relates to the issues which have been raised, will advance substantially a sound and impartial evaluation of the effects and effectiveness of religious broadcasting, and lay a foundation for future research and planning.
Friends of the Earth is warning of risks to fish and the environment from a not - so - green Brexit, following an analysis of likely scenarios by Sheffield University.
The QVision can analyse small trim, ground and diced meat and various seafood products for the following analysis criteria:
We follow this analysis because the authors use some additional angles and trends — ...
We follow this analysis because the authors use some additional angles and trends — that often result in underdog selections.
The prospectively recorded «yes» or «no» answers at 6 weeks, and 3, 6, 9, and 13 months of age were considered as the qualitatively best data and used in the following analyses.
Mark Lewis, who chairs the Scarsdale Democrats provided the following analysis of the race for County Executive and the Board of Legislators, where Scarsdale's representative Ben Boykin ran unopposed.
This follows the analysis of interviews with 1,322 adult prisoners from seven prisons in Queensland in Australia before and after their release.
In the following analyses concerning the self - timed rhythmic task, the first interval was excluded because of the predictable onset of the subsequent target, which distinguishes the first interval from all subsequent intervals.
Following this analysis, Feenders and colleagues found that gene expression levels in outlying striatum can vary as a function of behavior (e.g. hopping and flying [39]-RRB-.
A Google search for «Paleo Diet» brings up first the Loren Cordain and Robb Wolf websites, along with the Wikipedia entry for the paleo diet; The following analysis compares the WAPF diet with the paleodiet principles expressed in these websites and the books by Cordain and Wolf
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