Sentences with phrase «to follow someone around the house»

When beginning, it may work for you to have a moving potty that follows him around the house during his day to ensure more successes than accidents.
They will often follow you around the house and attempt to assist you with your daily chores.
He was gentle, loving, and in his later years was pretty much my constant companion following me around the house and sitting or resting as I went about my chores.
They don't do well when left alone, however, so be prepared to have a shadow following you around the house.
Don't be surprised if your pooch follows you around the house — it loves to be with you at all times.
Start your training by having the dog on a leash follow you around the house.
However, he always wants to know where I am and sometimes follows me around the house like a puppy.
Ghost does indeed follow me around the house — always watching in case I might decide to do something exciting like go for a walk!
Expect him to follow you around the house during the day, settling nearby wherever you stop.
These cats are not happy unless they are in the same room as their human and often follow them around the house.
Narcissists need constant attention — even following you around the house, asking you to find things, or constantly saying something to grab your attention.
Owning a Bouvier, like many dogs, requires patience, love, a lot of grooming, a willingness to exercise the dog and pay for regular health care, a desire to have a companion who follows you around the house keeping an eye on you, and a commitment to complete at least one set of good obedience classes.
Let the same great song follow you around the house with multi-room listening, controlled via the SongPal app.
In the last month, I've received many topic requests relating to your children's fears of kidnappers, their need to endlessly follow you around the house and their fearful refusal to sleep in their own beds.
In an era of high - tech gadgets and electronic readers, Mina is very protective of her books, so whatever she is reading follows her around the house... with two little kids you never know when and where a crayon may leave a mark.
When he is not sleeping, watching the world, or interacting with the other animals Neville can be found following me around the house.
Once that happens, the cat will follow you around the house saying, «Look, Mom, I sat,» hoping to turn you into a treat dispenser.
My cat enjoys all the flavors so much that every evening around 6 pm she is following me around the house meowing, basically demanding, that it is time for her to eat the good stuff!
We fed her every few hours, washed her with a special medical shampoo for her coat, woke up three times a night to let her out (pushing food and liquids meant she couldn't be left in her kennel for more than a few hours), and followed her around the house making sure she didn't eat small toys.
One thing that really seems to help is giving him the job of following me around the house at night as I lock doors and turn off lights.
The key is to help him find a balance so that he is not following you around the house licking you all day.
One of those daily activities is following us around the house from one room to the other as if they are patrolling their territory.
Via the app, people can associate the speaker with rooms or add it to a group to have the audio follow them around the house, provided that they have multiple speakers scattered in different rooms.
It's a small cute robot that looks like its escaped Pixar's Wall - e (the design lead used to work at Pixar) and will follow you around the house so you can bark orders at it any point.
You may also experience the following horrors: extreme face licking, intense cuddling, cute noise making, food begging, and constant following around your house.
With the Rottie's family, it is affectionate and will often follow them around the house.
It follows me around the house.
It follows me around the house all day, from the bed to the couch to the floor.
I love her name and so cute that she follows you around the house!
You loved to cuddle and follow me around the house.
He follows me around the house all day and protects me from the trash man and mailman.»
If he follows you around the house, either hide in a room and close the door, or if your dog is short, do it on a high counter that he can't reach and see.
But on the other hand, I am happy to lay at your feet, follow you around the house and just be good company.
She likes to follow you around the house and be wherever her humans are.
If your dog is overweight, start with gentle walking, swimming, throwing the ball around and even making your dog walk get up and follow you around the house.
She is pretty timid, and she loves spending time taking a nap or following you around the house.
They are most likely to be found sitting comfortably on your lap or following you around the house.
The owners are kindly people who spend a lot of time with their dog; they allow it to follow them around the house, and appreciate the excited welcome the dog gives them when they return home.
Now they follow me around the house a lot more because they know something fun could happen while I'm around.
They will follow you around the house, sit at your feet, or jump on your lap the minute you sit down.
Your Morkie will follow you around the house.
Rachael enjoys sitting in her new mom's lap to watch tv, following her around the house and sleeping with her.
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