Sentences with phrase «to follow something with one's eyes»

Something about the second woman compels Max to follow her with his eyes as she crosses Piazza Tasso.
My Chi has been even more energized than normal (which is already a huge amount, so now I can barely follow him with my eyes), my Boston terrier / Pittie has LOST weight (despite having full meals), and most importantly my Staffordshire Terrier has GAINED 5 pounds in this time frame!
Move your head from side to side (especially as they eat) and see if they follow you with their eyes.
He would follow them with his eyes and try to reach out with his hands.
He kept staring at it and would follow it with his eyes.
During the first few months, he will begin to recognize your voice, follow you with his eyes, and he usually likes to stare at bright colors.
He'll follow you with his eyes and show a fascination with some toys and especially his hands.
For example, does he follow you with his eyes, or prefer to be held by you?
Wave it in front of her and see if she follows it with her eyes.
See if she can follow it with her eyes.
As I passed by, it followed me with its eyes and slowly craned in my direction.
Patients are instructed to fixate the target with the different colour and follow it with their eyes to the left of space.
He followed her with his eye.
Then, wave a treat in front of him and prompt him to follow it with his eyes.
Then, move your hand upward, enticing your Cavoodle (Cavapoo) to follow it with its eyes.
Paintings seem to follow you with their eyes.
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