Sentences with phrase «to follow the rules of the road»

One of these is to increase police presence on roads to not only tackle speeding but also motorist who are illegally driving and those who do not follow the rules of the road.
By that same token, pedestrians are expected to follow the rules of the road as well.
The driving course curriculum offered by an approved program includes tips for defensive driving, information about DUI regulations, details about SC traffic laws and advice for following the rules of the road.
This means protecting yourself, your passengers and other motorists by following the rules of the road and driving defensively.
When drivers take that message and pedestrians follow the rules of the road, the roads become safer for everyone.
Even when you are following the rules of the road perfectly, you can not always control how others will behave on the roads.
Our auto accident attorneys hear about so many accidents that are related to these matters, which is why following the rules of the road is so important.
Simply paying attention and following the rules of the road seems to be too much to ask for many drivers.
Plenty of riders wear helmets and protective gear as recommended and follow the rules of the road just like any other driver on the highways.
So pay close attention to what they are doing at all times and never trust that they will automatically follow the rules of the road and make smart decisions while driving.
Taking the long view means being focused on establishing your record as a safe driver and concentrating on building your skills while following the rules of the road.
If you do not follow the rules of the road you will accumulate points for each violation.
Always follow the rules of the road and always pay attention to and follow the directions posted on road signs.
The curriculum offered by driving classes includes content on state traffic laws, tips for defensive driving, information about DUI regulations and advice for following the rules of the road.
«By following the rules of the road in work zones, we can keep people safe during National Work Zone Awareness Week and all year long.»
However, the unstated duty of following the rules of the road and driving safely are real and powerful.
If you have been injured as a pedestrian, you may have a claim against the driver and owner of the vehicle who hit you, even if you may not have been properly following the rules of the road as they apply to pedestrians.
This means that while other vehicles have a duty to yield the right of way to bicycles just as they would for other vehicles, bicyclists also have a duty to follow the rules of the road such as stopping for a red light or stop sign.
Drivers of cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles often do not follow the rules of the road when it comes to yielding the proper right of way to bicyclists or allotting adequate space for bicycles in traffic.
If drivers will solemnly follow rules of the road, safety can be easily attained without the high risks of accidents.
So, if a pedestrian is hit, even if they weren't always following the rules of the road, the...
Every OH driving class consists of the same curriculum, which includes information about state traffic laws, tips for defensive driving, details about DUI regulations and advice for following the rules of the road.
Another said that, «A lot of them don't follow the rules of the road and they do really dangerous things that cars don't expect.
Monday's tragedy on Yonge St. was one of the rare times that following the rules of the road was no help to pedestrians, Heather Mallick writes.
There's no comparison between homemade nut butter and store - bought for Mark Overbay, founder of the handcrafted nut butter company Big Spoon Roasters, as long as you follow his rules of the road.
Follow the rules of the road, and wear your seatbelt.
General Rules of the Road - Follow the rules of the road, do not carry a passenger and keep both hands on the handlebars
If you feel like it, it's perfectly possible to follow the rules of the road, obeying traffic lights and other signs.
Although driving has become a lot safer overall, it's still important to follow the rules of the road to prevent any accidents from occurring.
Only in the twisted logic of the through - the - windshield view of the world, Keith Naughton of Bloomberg frames the story of how human drivers keep rear - ending self - driving cars because they follow the rules of the road as a bug, not a feature.
We encourage you to practice proper driving techniques and follow the rules of the road.
Regardless, bikers are never «asking for it» to the point that ICBC or another liability insurance company will escape having to pay fair financial compensation for injuries and losses arising from a motorist's failure to follow the rules of the road.
Driver negligence - Sometimes bus drivers fail to follow the rules of the road.
Follow the rules of the road.
Vehicles are, generally speaking, required to follow the rules of the road.
Because of this, it is extremely important that motorcyclists remain extra alert and aware of all drivers around them, to follow all rules of the road, and to compensate for drivers that fail to follow the rules of the road.
Motorists who cause collisions due to road rage are not reasonable and are not following the rules of the road.
Drivers owe pedestrians and other drivers a duty to follow the rules of the road and operate their vehicles safely.
Children should always follow the rules of the road and only cross when they have the right - of - way, cross at an intersection, refrain from running so that cars have time to spot children approaching and obey all signs that apply to pedestrians.
A Boise personal injury attorney and accident lawyer at Parke Gordon Law Firm has a track record of success in recovering compensation for car crash clients who are injured when another driver is not following the rules of the road, such as drivers who run stop signs, run red lights, are not paying attention, rear - end our clients, drive while drunk, or fail to yield the right of way.
Such accidents are often the result of drivers» carelessness such as speeding, failing to follow the rules of the road, and drunk and distracted driving.
In the majority of cases, cycling accidents occur because the driver of a motor vehicle fails to follow the rules of the road and collides with someone on a bike.
Knowing and following the rules of the road, and always riding defensively, are the best ways to prevent a bicycle accident and to protect yourself from harm.
Even though all drivers are expected to follow the rules of the road, due to their reputation as «reckless drivers» motorcyclists are often wrongly blamed in accidents.
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