Sentences with phrase «to fulfill one's aspirations»

I hope that you will take out some time to go through it and help me in fulfilling my aspiration of joining your company.
An endowment plan helps you save for important life events that help your family fulfill their aspirations and desires.
The goal must be ensuring that we're providing teachers and administrators with the proper training and professional development to fulfill the aspirations of the Common Core.
Tata AIA Life Insurance Smart 7 is a non-linked, participating, limited premium paying endowment assurance plan that helps fulfill aspirations of financial planning and protection as well.
He was speaking at the launch of the Young Adult Trust, a project which, although independent, fulfils his aspirations for a national programme for school leavers that would teach them the responsibilities of being adults.
If Ed Miliband becomes prime minister, Boris Johnson will surely become leader of the Conservative Party, thereby fulfilling the aspiration of so many.
«Signing this legislation would demonstrate the Governor is serious about fulfilling this aspiration.
In November, his two co-owners sold their shares of the Block Island Power Company to the town, which finally fulfilled an aspiration of ownership that had been around for decades.
«To date, COAG has not yet fulfilled its aspiration to provide all Australians with timely access to quality health services based on need, nor on their capacity to pay or where they live,» Ms Middleton said.
Recently Linda fulfilled another aspiration, and co-authored a book with her husband Jim and one of her mentors, Tony Jeary: Presentation Mastery for Realtors: Building Your Brand, Presenting your Best Self, and Doubling your Income.
Poverty is not only an evil in itself, but sustainable development requires meeting the basic needs of all and extending to all the opportunity to fulfill their aspirations for a better life.
Typically, the work life of people is around 30 - 35 years, and people keep contributing to their savings kitty till retirement, so that the family can lead a comfortable life and fulfil aspirations of family members.
It's about helping to fulfil the aspirations of those you lead»
In this inversion, the living God, whose biblical qualities like jealousy and wrath have been tamed, has been deprived of freedom and, having been reduced to the Great Enabler, now has little to do except warrant our causes and help us fulfill our aspirations.
God is «reduced to the Great Enabler [who] has little to do except [to] warrant our causes and help us fulfill our aspirations
Behind this dismissiveness lies the dualism that is more and more common today: the tendency to disconnect body from spirit and to reject the Catholic approach that the body is part of the person and that its physical functions are meant to reflect and fulfil the aspirations of the soul.
«The crying baby has not created any job, neither has he offered Rivers youth any tangible agenda to make them fulfill their aspirations.
More than fulfilling aspirations, Right to Buy built on a market - orientated «equality of opportunity».
Such policies are naturally favoring an inorganic growth which china is readily providing, unlike India which prefers a more democratic (or bureaucratic or naturally slow) approach which is failing to fulfill the aspirations of the new President in one way or the other.
BANGALORE, INDIA — India is a step closer to fulfilling its aspiration of putting a human in space by 2015.
Younger Women Use their Beauty: Younger women often think that they can use their beauty and sexuality to get men to fulfill their aspirations.
It's a two way search; not only rich men seek women there, but rich women can also seek men to fulfill their aspirations.
We Are Your Friends is one of those movies about a group of friends who are in the midst of trying to accomplish their dreams and fulfill their aspirations, but feel stuck or even worse, know they don't have what it takes to make it out of their hometown.
She understands how passionate I am about making an impact, and we both know that an education from the Ed School will provide me the opportunities to fulfill these aspirations.
It is now possible for the evolving middle class of our country to fulfil their aspirations!
Whether you want to kayak through swamps, catch marlin off rocks, watch the sunset over the ocean, sail in the Mediterranean, explore numerous surfing locations, swim in a Fijian lagoon, sunbake in the Caribbean with pure white sand and turquoise water, float in fabulous rock pools, hike through wild country, stroll on long deserted beaches or stand on massive, wind - blown cliffs, Currarong has a location nearby to fulfil your aspirations.
«I am thrilled to announce that in just a few months, we will be welcoming the public to the stunning new expansion Snøhetta designed to fulfill these aspirations
But the air of conviction and fulfilled aspiration that these works exude remains bracing.
RANGE ANXIETY - The blend of technology outlined above promises an innovative energy efficient vehicle and support infrastructure necessary that fulfills the aspirations of the Canadian authorities and member states of the European Union.
Unlike CEMA, which had handled only eight cases in two years, CIMAC should also be able to count on CFC to fulfil its aspirations.
Racialized lawyers, who are competitive for these positions, should be able to fulfill their aspirations for these areas of work.
A major part of planning your retirement is assessing the funds you would need post retirement to meet your regular expenses and fulfill your aspirations.
This is a traditional endowment plan that helps you to fulfil your aspirations and realize your dreams by offering you a steady income.
BSLI SecurePlus Plan provides you a backup income option which guarantees you peace of mind in times of need to fulfill the aspirations and dreams of your loved ones.BSLI SecurePlus Plan understands the importance of such needs and helps you accomplish them with a second income along with providing a life cover for the opted tenure.
This plan allows you to save for your future financial needs to fulfill the aspirations of your family.
Liberty Driving & Traffic School, Inc has helped thousands of people just like you and now they are driving and fulfilling their aspirations.
To fulfil these aspirations, we tend to rely highly on EMIs, so, it is important that we secure them against any uncertainties.
A professional coach will listen, collaborate, support and assist you to identify and gain clarity on your goals, achieve your dreams, fulfill your aspirations and enhance your power to succeed.
Nursing home administrator resume objective 1: a skilled individual with great interpersonal skills and managerial abilities is searching for a job of a nursing home administrator so as to fulfill the aspirations and utilize the education, skills and experience gathered through years of hardwork.
Metis and Indian groups living off a land base have long professed their desire for a self - government process that will enable them to fulfill their aspirations to control and influence the important decisions that affect their lives.
After almost three decades of helping others build their careers and fulfill their aspirations in the real estate industry, I find myself on the precipice of applying those same theories and models directly into my personal career.
Clients today seek out more than just a reputable brokerage; they also want someone whom they can personally identify with to fulfill their aspirations and concerns.
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