Sentences with phrase «to function on a daily basis»

It can be a dare to anyone to try to function on a daily basis without a cup of coffee or any caffeine in any form for that matter.
The graphic below compares key characteristics relating to how employees function on a daily basis.
Operations and management plan: This section describes how the business functions on a daily basis, its location, equipment, people, processes and surrounding environment.
«When you recognize you are not yourself and that you aren't able to function on a daily basis as you would like, that's a sign,» Stone says.
I complained to Support about this, and they said this» «Dear Community Member, We test our mail functions on a daily basis and can assure you that all sent messages are arriving in the appropriate mail boxes.
The innovative technologies, such as smart phones, iPads, and now Leap Pads for younger children, have launched our children into a digital age where they no longer function on a daily basis...
More than 70 Auburn veterinary technicians work in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, to provide animal care, assist veterinarians and help keep the hospital functioning on a daily basis, and this week we recognize their hard work.
Since this condition is not blinding or progressive and without testing a person would have no idea if a Cavalier had the disorder since it does not affect their ability to function on a daily basis OFA assigns it as a breeder's option.
The Jersey Shore Animal Center is always in need of items that make our shelter function on a daily basis.
«As a result of changes in functions and cuts, many senior court staff take on quasi-judicial functions on a daily basis.
Handled property functions on daily basis to ensure best performance and persistent upgrading in customer service, employee proficiency and performance, marketing, property ambience and income.
Implemented and supervised a work force of 55 personnel; ensuring security and continuous logistical functions on a daily basis
But water is undeniably the most essential substance on earth and is essential for human to function on a daily basis.
When a child experiences the death of a loved one, the response can include emotional and behavioral expressions that affect the child's ability to function on a daily basis.
Having clear vision can make a huge difference in an individual's ability to function on a daily basis.
After all, when you consume exactly the number of calories your body needs to function on a daily basis, you won't lose or gain either fat or muscle.
In short, protein is a very important part of how we function on a daily basis.
Many of these nutrients aren't just added bonuses; they are essential nutrients you need to function on a daily basis.
Imbalances seen on our skin may reveal a problem on a deeper level, and could be our bodies» way of alerting us to an imbalance in one of the many systems that enable our body to function on a daily basis.
After recovery from said surgeries, and unable to resume life as she knew it, she trained her own mobility assist service dog to help her function on a daily basis.
Looking back I've no idea how I continued to function on a daily basis.
Your home and work environment should be safe places to reside and function on a daily basis.
Could you function on a daily basis without a smartphone?
When a child experiences the death of a loved one, the response can include emotional and behavioral expressions that affect the child's ability to function on a daily basis.
People who are stuck in grief and are unable to function on a daily basis might be suffering from complicated grief.
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