Sentences with phrase «to fund the cuts»

The school districts have the sword of funding cuts over their heads unless they do what the state dictates.
There's a $ 4.4 billion structural gap and he says at least $ 2 billion more in funding cuts in health care from the federal government.
With state - run schools facing fund cuts for on - site housing, private developers have stepped in to deliver off - campus facilities.
Lawmakers could develop some sort of contingency plan for federal funding cuts under a mechanism outlined in this year's state budget.
That culture can be traced back to a strike in 1968 arising from state funding cuts, which prompted local administrators and the teachers union to join forces in protest.
Manchester council claims it has no choice but to cut services due to huge funding cuts from central government.
She lost her job because of school funding cuts in the spring of 1981.
A big factor is state higher education funding cuts over the past few decades.
Local school districts typically struggle to make up for major state funding cuts on their own.
This could be a challenge as schools face funding cuts, which may result in a need to reduce staffing costs.
The great and good of Austrian science are passing around a petition to confront the government over funding cuts announced late last year.
Due to government funding cuts, the service was gradually reduced and the school began to look for an alternative delivery mechanism.
And he said the state's over $ 4 billion projected deficit and potential funding cuts aren't helping either.
National public funding cuts and the particular pressure that local authorities are now under means that the challenges facing regional museums have become greater.
Several educators expressed concerns about funding cuts and attempts to apply business models to classrooms, despite the fact that there is little evidence those models will raise achievement.
However, hiring may be limited due to school funding cuts at the state and local level.
Other funding cuts to health care and other areas are seen as having a disproportionate impact on the state.
With further funding cuts, creative subjects are already being squeezed out as schools look to make savings to survive.
There was therefore obvious concern around this year's funding cuts which started to reverse that progress by having a disproportionately negative impact on the more deprived.
When funding cuts lead to the closure of small labs around the globe, what's a postdoctoral fellow to do?
Some prominent arts and cultural groups could be in for a major funding cut.
Nearly 85 percent of districts are expecting funding cuts for the 2011 - 12 school year.
The arts aren't the only sector suffering funding cuts — the budget proposal wipes out thousands of jobs in health, science and social programs.
Of course, then the budget with its deep educating funding cuts came out and all bets were off.
Both anecdotal information and empirical data drawn from surveys confirm that voters don't just value public education; they want candidates who will support classroom teachers and oppose funding cuts to public schools.
But I still thought I'd survive the impending funding cuts that my IT project was facing.
Will it take funding cuts to actually conduct a real investigation?
But the panel came back with a breakthrough: The health industry would accept funding cuts in exchange for long - sought limits on malpractice suits.
The reason — Such funds cut back on their equity exposure as markets scaled higher levels.
He proposed a state budget without funding cuts to schools.
We know that education and access to reproductive health care are effective strategies to reduce teen pregnancy rates, and that funding cuts reduce availability of key family planning resources.
The recent recession lead to funding cut backs and hospital staffing reforms, which also significantly added to the difficulty of finding a job.
If possible, they plan to dip — or have already dipped — into their district's financial reserves to absorb anticipated funding cuts.
It's not just about blocking funding cuts or demanding more sustainable options.
Those revenues could help offset teacher layoffs and even restore some environmental funding cuts.
Public schools expecting a significant increase could face funding cuts instead.
How state funding cuts play out will vary from state to state, university to university, and perhaps even lab to lab.
But these subjects are under threat with widespread funding cuts and lack of available learning space.
The legislation allowed local school boards to make sweeping changes to address looming funding cuts as well as to introduce instructional reform that could improve outcomes across their districts.
The full explanation, however, goes beyond basic funding cuts.
Court concluded that funding cuts disproportionately harmed at - risk students in poor districts, breaking the state's constitutional obligations.
But some districts say they're not ready to use precious resources to experiment with online learning while facing steep funding cuts.
He says each apple represents a teaching job lost because of funding cuts, and an apple that would otherwise be delivered by a student to their teacher.
And with education funding cuts, the school may not have staffing resources to work with this student outside of class.
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