Sentences with phrase «to fund the shortfall»

The phrase "to fund the shortfall" means to provide the necessary money or resources to cover a deficit or a gap in finances. Full definition
This increase, advocates argue, would cover the present funding shortfall of providing an «elite» education.
The school funding shortfall for this fiscal year is estimated at more than $ 22 million.
In light of the comprehensive national frameworks and strategies in place, it would appear that there exists a solid basis for governments to work together to address the projected funding shortfall.
Given the crying need for legal assistance, it's safe to assume that the amount would be substantial were lawyers asked to fund the shortfall at 100 %.
According to the report, the cost of creating new school places means the capital faces a # 1.5 bn funding shortfall over the next five years.
Here are four options for how to handle a last - minute funding shortfall.
The investor must be able to fund any shortfall until the asset is sold or until the investment becomes positively geared (income > interest).
Currently, the world faces a $ 5.3 billion funding shortfall for providing the access to reproductive healthcare that women say they want to have.
The progress was made despite funding shortfalls in each of the last two years, Bedden said.
«The latest proposals simply ask for more than we think we can afford, especially at a time when we're facing severe funding shortfalls from the state, and executing various operational cuts, layoffs, and furloughs.»
Thousands of U.S. research and grant programs related to science stuttered, stopped or never even got a chance to begin in 2013 because of federal funding shortfalls and a partial government shutdown.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel took a dim view Thursday of a package of tax increases the Chicago Teachers Union proposed to help cover a massive funding shortfall at the school district, instead calling on union leaders to join him in pressuring state lawmakers to change the way school districts are funded to bring more money to the city.
In Marathon Oil UK LLC v Centrica Resources Limited, TAQA Bratani Limited and TAQA Bratani LNS Limited [2018] EWHC 322 (Comm), the Commercial Court considered whether an operator was entitled to charge joint venture participants for pension fund shortfalls.
Researchers will be quick to point out that this issue is as much about funding shortfalls as it is about refining our methodological approach.
And it would've done more to limit pension - fund shortfalls after the next prolonged market dive — which, for all we know, could be just around the corner.
The NHS is predicted to have a significant funding shortfall by the end of the next parliament - and Mr Miliband's pledge of extra cash is one of six ten - year - goals he will outline.
Managers of the Los Angeles school district's massive program to build 160 new schools and expand and repair hundreds of existing campuses are forecasting a possible funding shortfall as high as $ 2.5 billion, just as the multiyear project approaches its halfway point.
The plaintiffs in these lawsuits often draw on the same or similar reports that critics of NCLB use to make their case that a large funding shortfall exists related to NCLB's mandates.
The vote comes a month after some board members questioned whether the position, which involves lobbying state and county lawmakers for funding, should be filled as the school grapples with funding shortfalls and the search for a full - time president.
Labour's manifesto spending plans will leave the NHS facing a # 7bn funding shortfall by 2021, an independent health think tank claimed today.
While Cuomo claims the state has thrown money at these schools for too long, Baker calculated that 12 of the 17 lowest - performing school districts cited by Cuomo are among those with the largest state funding shortfalls, based on student need.
about U.S. Department of Transportation Outlines Steps for Managing Impending Highway Trust Fund Shortfall
The Fed's 12 regional branches offer very short - term — generally overnight — loans to banks that are experiencing funding shortfalls in order to prevent liquidity problems or, in the worst - case scenario, bank failures.
The added worry about retirement funding shortfalls makes some people prime targets for these crimes.
The company had to abandon the research due to funding shortfalls before the drug could be fully tested.
Given that Social Security faces a substantial funding shortfall and that most workers don't appear to face a retirement crisis, there is a strong case for gradually slowing benefit growth, particularly for wealthier workers who are currently slated to receive millions in lifetime benefits despite being able to live comfortably off their private retirement savings.
As a result, the Social Security system faces serious funding shortfalls beginning around 2018 and continuing into the indefinite future.
The results show that pension schemes across these countries could face a combined funding shortfall of $ 773bn if confronted with a significant financial shock that triggered a further fall in interest rates and a rise in inflation.
In this fiscal shell game, money is shuffled among hundreds of accounts, creating funding shortfalls in some dedicated funds, hiding deficits in others and using excess revenue in still others to mask General Fund spending growth.
Congressional Republicans have begun moving to block such transfers, with a social security disability funding shortfall projected to occur in 2016.
Mr. Bloomberg wanted a second West Side station at 41st Street and 10th Avenue, but construction delays and funding shortfalls put off his dream indefinitely.
However, the MTA does plan on 7.5 percent fare and toll increases in 2013 and 2015 and expects major funding shortfalls in 2014 and 2015.
The proposed cuts and funding shortfalls increase the risk of poverty in two ways: by destabilizing those already struggling, and by reducing opportunities to move out of poverty.
Plaid / cons / Libs all blamed «London Labour» for funding shortfalls while Welsh labour were left as half - hearted apologists.
They will accompany this move by waging a campaign against our irresponsibility of trying to sneak through an election without openly facing the threat that the growing funding shortfall poses for the long - term future of the NHS in the next Parliament.
Boyack said that she would be a «listening leader» who would tackle funding shortfalls in the National Health Service (NHS) and local government.
As global eradication efforts ramp up in Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan, funding shortfalls threaten gains in Africa and Asia
The Commercial Crew Program continues to face multiple challenges to accomplishing its objectives, most prominently addressing the significant technical issues that have replaced funding shortfalls as the main contributor to schedule delays.
Under the headline «On Front Lines, Casualties Tied to New U.S. Law,» Winerip reported that NCLB funding shortfalls were «devastating» for New York City.
The # 320m announced to open new schools is against a projected # 3bn funding shortfall for existing schools.
However, the 100 percent MoE requirement for IDEA — in contrast to the 90 percent MoE requirement for Title I — means there is far less wiggle room for districts facing across - the - board funding shortfalls to reduce special education expenditures even if it is the equitable or reasonable thing to do and can be done without negatively impacting student services.
What does this massive school funding shortfall mean?
Pension plans represent more than half of the retiree benefit funding shortfall.
Almost two - thirds of the districts that anticipated funding shortfalls this school year planned to do the same.
It explains the shortfalls of our current funding system and lays bare the inequities in how we have handled recent funding shortfalls.
Most analyses of the budget request, as well as ACHA, project that the Medicaid funding shortfall in support of these mandated services will increase, placing states at greater risk year after year.
According to the analysis, faced with the dual goals of closing funding shortfalls and reducing pension plan risk, data from close to 100 U.S. corporate pension plan sponsors shows plan sponsors have chosen to retain much of the risk and to let funded status guide their de-risking programs.
The S&P 500 dropped 39 % in value in 2008, causing some state 529 college savings plans to lose money and many prepaid tuition plans to have actuarial funding shortfalls.
Adding up this stack gets you to 52.4 % in taxes, coincidentally the same as the Province of Ontario in Canada (ditto on distress, save the pension funding shortfall issue).
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