Sentences with phrase «to gain an advantage»

"To gain an advantage" means to obtain a benefit or to be in a better position than others in a particular situation. Full definition
Your work experience and your abilities to handle responsibilities will be the key in gaining advantage over other job seekers.
Some family litigants make false allegations as a way of gaining an advantage in family proceedings.
These value investors believe that you can not gain an advantage by looking at big cap stocks followed by thousands of analysts.
You also gain the advantage of a reduction in fatigue and a growth cycle leaving fuller muscle behind.
Here are three suggestions for gaining advantages from the new economic realities of robots in case packing.
Used ethically, emotional intelligence can help gain advantage for both you and those you are dealing with.
Some are willing to pay more for more content, so providing they are getting value for money and aren't gaining an advantage over other players, the system works.
In addition to investment savvy, a successful day trader may gain an advantage with access to special equipment that is less readily available to the average trader.
And the definition of cheat is to gain an advantage on a rival or foe that they don't have.
You also gain the advantage of a bigger brand presence.
As you challenge other players and get more rewards, you can augment your decks with equipment and gain the advantage during play.
Players with decent knowledge of cars can gain an advantage against their completion by utilizing the advanced car setup management system.
Are there foundations for a legitimate investigation, or is this a cheap exercise in teams seeking to gain an advantage through politics?
In addition, certain weapons may uniquely deal with or even gain an advantage from heat building (for instance, a special weapon that consumes heat in order to fire).
You can also upgrade your ship which allows you to gain advantages when starting off on each island.
A beneficiary is any person who gains an advantage and / or profits from something.
The program aims to bring together strong academics, demanding technical education, and real world experience to students gain an advantage in high school, postsecondary education, and careers.
Players on both sides gain advantages and points for risk taking.
If you are one the engineering professional looking out for a standard engineering resume, you can certainly gain advantage by reviewing the resumes provided in different categories.
Like for example the fact that when two are fighting about resources or attacking each other, the third always gains an advantage.
Plus, you'll at least gain the advantage of tax - deferred growth, and you'll leverage the value of your estate.
One thing that isn't changing is the rules surrounding track limits, because apparently it's too difficult for anyone to decide what constitutes gaining an advantage and what doesn't.
Other people tend to be seen as ways to gain an advantage rather than as potential sources of mutual support.
As customers became less willing to pay for further improvements in performance and reliability, the companies that offered more affordable and customizable modular solutions gained the advantage.
Research shows that students with high attendance in quality summer learning programs gain an advantage in math and reading.
Such writers gain the advantage of the marketing of their work that's already been done by a commercial publisher.
This is where a discerning rewards card user gains the advantage.
What sets the game apart is that the cards are placed strategically on a grid, where they can gain advantages depending on how they are located in relation to other cards.
Link can then opt to land a powerful blow to gain an advantage throughout the fight.
Players gain an advantage by collecting as many power - ups as possible to slow their opponents or blow - up traps and barriers on the way.
Building allows you to take cover from enemies while healing, or to simply gain an advantage, which brings me to the next point.
Employers gain an advantage in not having to pay most of the added costs of retaining employees, which is especially advantageous when such workers are needed on a part time or seasonal basis.
So gain an advantage by learning to craft the perfect resume summary.
People describing and mentioning about the additional courses they have attended like the public speaking classes or have been into volunteering activities definitely gains an advantage over the other candidates.
You'll gain an advantage which helps you in your career shift when your supervisor informs your prospective employer that you're highly recommended and a very able and competent employee.
In only two years or less, you can gain the advantages associated with learning skills that are valued in almost every type of medical setting.
Many lawyers are now using social media as a tool to both gain exposure as well as gain an advantage over their competitors.
Since the screen is essentially a square, you don't gain any advantage from landscape mode.
These types of deals, assisted by a weakened Canadian dollar, pose a long - term opportunity for our economy and allows us to gain an advantage for the future.
We understand that false allegations of domestic violence are often made, for a variety of reasons, from gaining advantage in custody and visitation proceedings to simply punishing a spouse or ex.
Every investor can gain an advantage with investments that are selected after considering the company's environmental record, researching the state of its social relationships and monitoring the health of its governance.
Younger students gain an advantage by learning from and competing with older students, who tend to be higher achieving and better behaved.
As a coach, he prides himself on teaching fundamentals and techniques properly and using these skills to gain an advantage on the playing field.
It is time to level the playing field, and perhaps even gain an advantage.
The authors also find that when it comes to social and emotional development, younger students gain an advantage by being exposed to older classmates.
[As trade barriers have come down over the past half - century,] small countries can now gain the advantages of large markets through trading with other nations.
Even in today's «landlord market,» tenants can often gain an advantage if they begin the renegotiation process a minimum of six...
Even in today's «landlord market,» tenants can often gain an advantage if they begin the renegotiation process a minimum of six months ahead of the lease expiration date.
Injecting your personality into your resume will likely help gain an advantage over your competitors so in case you are willing to invest your time and efforts into drafting your own resume, do it.

Phrases with «to gain an advantage»

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