Sentences with phrase «to gain more weight»

He has time to gain more weight in the womb.
Thirty - eight percent of American women gain more weight during pregnancy than recommended.
«The obese individuals among the lower bacterial richness group also gain more weight over time,» researchers noted.
Studies have shown that massage has helped premature babies gain more weight quicker.
This group did not gain any more weight than those on diet alone.
Don't eat for two people during pregnancy: Nearly half of all pregnant women gain more weight than recommended.
I have an issue losing weight and I am afraid to gain more weight on my raw food diet that I am trying out.
Since the development is rapidly increasing, your body will be under a higher demand for energy, and you'll eat more and gain more weight as a result.
And I noticed that with my pregnancy that I was craving sugar much more than with previous pregnancies (I also gained more weight with him as well).
If you worry, you're only increasing your likelihood of gaining more weight instead of losing it.
I didn't get very far, I spent a lot of money, bought a lot of workout clothes to motivate me and even gained more weight with each workout attempt.
I tend to try and fast to loose weight but now I know why I end up feeling bloated and even gain more weight.
Many women start off pregnancy with an overweight or obese BMI and many gain more weight than is healthy during their pregnancy.
Those children who got less than the recommended amount of sleep for their age group gained more weight.
So we supplemented and our boys started doing much better, gaining more weight like they should and such.
This is inline with other literature which suggests that weight stigma and dieting make kids gain more weight than they would have otherwise.
While you're starting to gain more weight towards the end of your second trimester, you aren't likely feeling too uncomfortable yet.
I also know a few other people that gain more weight while breastfeeding than they did while they were pregnant.
Doctors after examining the babies found that babies who were exposed to music gained more weight, and had lower blood pressure and stronger heartbeat.
If your child suddenly gains more weight than you have seen them carry before, do not begin to panic.
My baby is now 3 and a half months old and starting to gain more weight now that I have increased my supply.
In some studies from the 1950s, animals were found to gain more weight faster when given low doses of antibiotics in their feed.
They also found that girls with greater reward activation gained more weight.
According to the findings, all animals survived the study period (14 days), and those that received the transplant gained more weight than rats who were given a placebo operation.
Those with higher doses of insulin gained more weight.
According to numerous animal studies, mice fed doses of antibiotics similar to the range of what the average American child would receive gained more weight and had lower T - cell levels.
Not only that, many people gain MORE weight after dieting.
(source) The mice who received the microbes from the obese mouse gained more weight, despite comparable food intake and intake levels.
I've mentioned above that this dog can easily gain more weight than he needs.
We need to allow our body to gradually adjust to the restricted calorie schedule, otherwise we can end up gaining more weight in the end.
Mothers carrying multiples are expected to gain more weight during pregnancy than mothers carrying a single fetus.
If anything, studies actually show that people who «diet» gain more weight over time (42).
The formula fed babies gain more weight than the breast fed babies between four to six months.
If you do not change your diet, but spend some time with walking, at least you will not gain more weight.
In fact, those that diet are more likely to gain more weight from attempting to diet.
Well, you'll have to battle the possibility of gaining more weight.
Research at the University of Warwick has found that children and adolescents who regularly sleep less than others of the same age gain more weight when they grow older and are more likely to become overweight or obese.
Infants fed both at the breast and with bottles of expressed breast milk gained weight at a similar rate to those only breastfed, but infants gained more weight per month when fed only by bottle (formula or breast milk).
A 2008 study found that rats fed a diet of yoghurt mixed with artificial sweetener saccharin actually gained more weight than rats given the same amount of yoghurt mixed with glucose.
Before pregnancy for this population of African - American and Dominican women, 45 percent were overweight or obese, and 64 percent of mothers gained more weight during pregnancy than recommended by the 2009 Institute of Medicine Guidelines.
Studies done by the Touch Research Institute in Miami, the first scientific center to study the biology of touch and its effects on health and development, have shown that premature infants who are massaged for 15 minutes three times a day gain more weight and are able to be released from the hospital sooner than those who are not massaged.
Within their first years of life, pups born by C - section gained more weight than mice born vaginally, researchers report.
Studies show that patients who gain more weight in treatment are less likely to relapse in the first two years after treatment, when they're most vulnerable.»
Studies show that adults who report sleeping less than five to six hours per night gain more weight over time, have bigger waistlines, and are more likely to be obese compared to those who get sufficient sleep, says Andrea Spaeth, PhD, an assistant professor in the department of kinesiology and health at Rutgers University.
Flick the other way and it'll be too jittery for most roads, and the steering gains more weight again.
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