Sentences with phrase «to gaze up»

The concept is to sleep in nature: One can go to bed gazing up at the night sky and then wake up with the sun.
~ People also experience some neck strain when gazing up towards the top hand.
One is right between the eyebrows, gazing up toward the third eye.
Mothers who breast - feed their children often describe powerful memories of infants gazing up at them during nursing.
Spend afternoons around the lagoon pool where waterfalls cascade over rocks, or evenings in the bubbling Jacuzzi gazing up at the stars.
And that little chick gazing up at the picture!
Your baby won't be the only one gazing up at the ceiling.
This is the perfect distance for gazing up into the eyes of mom or dad (a favorite thing to do!).
An older gentleman stands in front of a temple in Siem Reap, Cambodia, gazing up in wonder as sunlight glints off his white hair and wizened face.
Wobbly heads gaze up from the towel - lined carrier, their curious eyes that distinctive shade of baby blue.
When most people gaze up on a clear, dark night, they are struck by how many stars there are.
You won't be the only person gazing up at the belfry looking for a mysterious figure hiding in the shadows even though the story is of course entirely fictitious.
At home I'll lie in your lap and gaze up lovingly with my big brown eyes.
For the kid in all of us who love gazing up at the stars and marveling at the wonders that grace the night's sky there is Space TV.
Had Toni Vernelli gone ahead with her pregnancy ten years ago, she would know at first hand what it is like to cradle her own baby, to have a pair of innocent eyes gazing up at her with unconditional love, to feel a little hand slipping into hers — and a voice calling her Mummy.
The child gazes up at Mary, raising his right hand in blessing and holding the scriptures in his left.
As you might be were the flipped coin to land with a head gazing up («We are all on the ground, but some of us are looking at the sky.»)
«all alone at night in the wilderness gazing up at the stars and Northern Lights» — sounds like a beautiful moment... and looks like a beautiful painting
The innocent white faces gazing up from textbooks unknowingly remind students that as the U.S. becomes more diverse, our materials and resources still fail to do so.
Keep gaze up at legs while in this pose and do not turn head side to side.
If you love gazing up through a redwood forest, you can go to Muir Woods.
In the 1990's skiers with vision gazed up at the rugged Dogtooth Range and dreamed of a ski resort that would match the impressive topography of these Purcell peaks above the town of Golden, laying the foundation for Kicking Horse Mountain Resort.
Standing at its foot in the cool, clear galleries of this former textile mill, one feels the immense scale of the work while gazing up towards the skylights.
Have you ever gazed up at the stars and wondered what it'd be like travelling from system to system, hoping to see...
A charming yet magnificent piece, the quasi-human figure gazes up to the heavens, inviting others to stand at its base and do the same.
Lantern, 2000, originally shown at Expo 2000 in Hannover, is a 10 - foot square lightbox, each side of the box displaying an image of the artist in his bed gazing up at the night sky, thickly outlined in black, recalling the leading of stained - glass windows.
The concept behind Getaway's large window design is to allow guests to go to sleep gazing up at the night sky and then wake up with the sun.
Cost - conscious diners gazing up at the menu didn't realize they'd be getting «absurdly huge drumettes,» as the blogger put it.
About 2 months after a textbook landing on Mars, the Spirit rover gazed up at the sky to look for Earth — and found it as a tiny dot.
Finally: You're experiencing a cold snowy scene in Greenland beneath a piercing blue sky, gazing up warily as huge chunks of glacier plunge down, right in front of you, into a raging river of ice floes which could have sunk another Titantic, but now, in the modern day, are emblematic of what is sinking Planet Earth.
They can burn down and leave the hilltop revert «back to nature» rather than having the whole down gaze up at a temple of money that keeps them in debt.
While other families gazed up at the intimidatingly long menu and tried hard to «think outside the bun,» our order (as in, my dad's order) never wavered.
Simultaneously, this miracle gazed up at you and, on some unconscious level, and recognized that you were also hers to -LSB-...]
An African lion gazes up at a suspended wood box.
In the darkened room, physicians and nurses gaze up intently at glowing monitors as interventional cardiologist Emerson Perin injects stem cells into Pavelko's weakened heart.
A small Cupid on the lower right gazes up at Aphrodite.
Priests burned offerings at the top of the multilevel platforms, as each layer of society gazed up from its proper elevation.
These days, we may take the stars for granted, but it's not hard to imagine the wonder early humans must have felt gazing up at those inexplicable points of light.
From here, the arms extend up (I put my palms together and gaze up because that's traditional in my Ashtanga practice, but the arms can just extend straight up or even out if you have rotator cuff issues) while the shoulder blades draw together and down.
Tilt your head back gaze up at the sky while tilting the tailbone up as if your head and tailbone are trying to touch.
In this training, I have laughed, cried, jumped for joy, and gazed up above and said thank you.
i am single looking for a life long partner soulmate i am 54 love the outdoors camping fishing i have been a widow for awhile i am a little shy till i get to know you love long walks gazing up at the stars cuddleing holding hands i am a fun loving out going person
- sleek - autocrats cosmology hasn't changed much since teenaged Luke first gazed up at the two suns of Tatooine, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, with its portrait of a much - battered, wildly outgunned, but fiercely resilient Resistance, also had that quality of arriving right on time.
These miserable denizens march zombie - like through generic shopping malls without once gazing up from their cellphones, while Reitman clutters the screen with superimposed Tweets and texts in a po - faced lament for how constant connectivity has isolated us all, man.
And just as the R8 gazes up towards its more potent V10 Plus sibling, the 540C will always exist in the shadow of the 570S.
I'll be riding with the top off and my leg resting on the side steps as I ride through the country gazing up at the stars with my girl by my side, while we make pleasant memories in my Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited.
And Judge's eye for color will help young readers connect the fascinating images and facts in the book with what they see in real life, whether gazing up at flashes of blue or red in a tree, admiring vivid plumage in the bird - house at a zoo, or clicking through bird photos online.
As an unpublished writer, I avoid it because it feels too much like gazing up at Mt. Everest without cold weather gear.
When Shih Tzus aren't busy gazing up at you with those big, sparkly eyes, they enjoy a long walk or a romp at the dog park.
There's something almost mystical about gazing up at the 4,000 - foot emerald cliffs of Kauai's unspoilt Na Pali Coast from the deck of a sailboat.
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