Sentences with phrase «to generate more force»

You can increase your strength by working on generating more force on the bar at a faster speed.
He simply generated more force than the other guy to press his opponents hand down.
According to many studies, lifters are able to generate more force when training one arm / leg at a time, so make sure to include at least one unilateral exercise per body part on every workout.
It's to note that our muscles generate more force eccentrically, so lowering heavy things may enable us to activate even more of our uniquely helpful type 2b fibers.
You muscles can generate more force eccentrically — when lowering heavy things — than they can concentrically — when lifting things.
(«Fast twitch» muscle fibers contract more quickly than «slow - twitch» fibers and generate more force more quickly, but they also fatigue more quickly.)
On the other hand, flat - soled weightlifting shoes enable a better contact with the ground and thereby allow you to generate more force through the ground and transmit as much of it as possible through your body and into the barbell.
Since the muscles of the back are the largest in the body, they have huge carryover and strengthening them will allow you to generate more force while also improving stability, resulting in more strength and power.
A thicker ventricle can generate more force for delivery of blood and oxygen as well.
As you start the pull off the floor, take a deep breath and hold it — this will increase torso stability by bracing the spine and helping the muscles generate more force.
When a person is overweight, the heart has to generate more force to pump even more blood throughout the body.
Proper head positioning can help you prevent injury and generate more force, but looking at the ceiling during heavy squats squeezes the spinal discs in your neck, hyperextends the neck, forces the hips forward prematurely, increases knee flexion and can easily result with neck pain and injury.
This is going to protect your spine and enable you to generate more force.
They can generate more force than Type I, but are quicker to fatigue when compared to slow - twitch fibers.
At the end their muscles could generate more force, of course, but what's more interesting is that their neural drive — their ability to send electrical signals from brain to muscle — also got stronger and faster [3].
but research shows that lowering weights — the eccentric action — can get us more results since safely and slowly lowering heavy things enables us to generate more force
It's important in helping you generate more force and it also keeps your safe.
Lifting weights — the concentric action — gets the most attention, but research shows that lowering weights — the eccentric action — can get us more results since safely and slowly lowering heavy things enables us to generate more force.
the «push» in the push - up) you also recruit more fast twitch muscles because you're generating more force than if you just lifted your bodyweight without much intention.
It's especially important to take care with larger, more muscular dogs that can generate more force and have stronger jaws.
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