Sentences with phrase «to generate more sales»

The phrase "to generate more sales" means to increase the number of products or services sold by a business. Full definition
Due to this web traffic to your website is increased and generated more sales for you.
It will also help you to boost brand awareness and generate more sales leads.
Companies or individuals can generate more sales when they are consistent and relate to their customers in authentic ways.
Sales generate more sales, too (an object in motion stays in motion).
Without a doubt, I feel that publishing specialized books generates more sales and reviews than publishing a massive resource book.
With an effective book marketing plan you can target your readership, create buzz about your book, attract the media and ultimately generate more sales.
If you want to generate more sales through an eBook for marketing then you have to write a powerful and valuable eBook.
In this course, we'll go into a few ways you can generate more sales during the holidays.
By sharing self - serve information and being radically transparent with content that was not typically accessible, the company generated more sales that year than during good economic times.
Each new title will broaden your name recognition and generate more sales for all your previous ones.
The result: Retailers can generate more sales per square foot in less space causing store formats to shrink.
Resetting the store or moving product around can help generate more sales for the category.
To generate more sales of Ferrarisportcars the DINO as a submake will come back.
The book is full of Davis's surefire methods for managing the sales process, including time management for agents, prospecting for listings, handling the seller's and buyer's concerns, maintaining a winning attitude, and generating more sales in less time.
Without the right categories you may never earn a category bestseller, therefore never gain the publicity needed for higher visibility, never be recognized by Amazon's algorithms which gains you rankings in the numerous other Amazon top 100 lists, which generates more sales, which gains higher visibility, which gains rankings, which generates more... You get the picture.
- 4 Tools to Improve Your Pinterest Marketing If you need to build brand visibility and generate more sales then this...
Apple's iPad division has also been hampered by slow product updates that could otherwise generate more sales.
In 2015, Amazon generated more sales on Prime Day than on Black Friday, a day which officially kicks of the year - end shopping season in the United States.
Apple generates more sales per square foot than any U.S. retailer, and by a substantial margin.
It offers opportunities to generate more sales by extending credit terms to new and existing customers, thus encouraging them to make new or additional purchases without a big cash outlay if at all, instead to postpone or make installment payments, while you the merchant will however, get immediate cash or access to funds.
Struggled to put together a display that was interesting, functional and effective at generating more sales.
However, Toyota wants to generate more sales from private buyers too, which is the reason for this facelift.
However, the Etios now feels more appealing than before and that should positively help Toyota generate some more sales.
While book a «s campaign has generated more sales within the timeframe of this chart, book b will continue to surpass book a in both sales and ranking long into the future.
They'll help you convert your Word document into an e-book with clean chapter breaks, a functioning table of contents and optional end matter to help authors generate more sales.
Kindle Unlimited can be a self - feeding behemoth for readers, generating interest in a book that in turn generates more sales, that in turn feeds back into the generate more interest.
An affiliate / associate program is an arrangement between a parent company who wants to generate more sales online and someone (a vendor) who wants to display the parent company's products on their own site, the aim being to drive traffic and sales to the parent company's site and earn commission on any sales that result.
You can use them to encourage your subscribers to take key actions — buy a book, follow you on social media, share some content etc. — without getting bogged down in sending out e-newsletters manually: it's a «set and forget» scenario which has the potential to save you a lot of time whilst generating more sales.
Then, once the hype diminishes, the publisher decides the time is right to give the game a price cut to tempt fence sitters, thus generating more sales.
There is the obvious benefit of targeting multiple platforms, most notably reaching more players which will hopefully generates more sales, but just recently this has provided a very substantial additional benefit — cross network play.
Hell most of those you asked would put Goldeneye 007 in their top five Rare games, I mean the game did grace the top ten games of all time for a number of years and putting a game like that in your collection would definitely generate more sales.
So, they are now starting to deploy their foreign loan portfolios, which will generate more sales activity in those countries, notes Montero.
Yet the words he spoke more than 80 years ago are responsible for every scrap of success I've ever seen happen on LinkedIn when it comes to generating more sales leads for yourself or your company.
This creates a unique opportunity for you to build a customer list who is already invested in your own personal brand, and to generate more sales of your Kindle release.
by Susan Gilbert - 4 Tools to Improve Your Pinterest Marketing If you need to build brand visibility and generate more sales then this...
While not everyone speaks another language, looking at your hobbies and similarities in past / current clients can identify a niche you didn't even know you had — and generate more sales for you!
«I view the trend as moving to all leased real estate instead of owned, as it has been proven that retailers see a 25 % to 30 % increase in revenue and generating more sales per square foot in freestanding stores as opposed to in - line.
It helps you understand how to use your name as a brand to grow a following and generate more sales.
Good news for those of you looking to using LinkedIn to generate more sales leads with your content.
The global economy could grow faster than the IMF predicts, allowing Canadian exporters to generate more sales.
Most businesses are focused on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and the holiday - shopping season as a way to generate more sales, but it also presents an opportunity to strengthen customer and business relationships.
Because the 43 percent of upgraders next year will generate more sales than the 33 percent this year, it make sense to land the next significant iPhone upgrade into the bigger wave of sales, rather than launch it this year into an installed base where fewer people actually need a new one.
Despite their struggles, 72 percent of respondents say they expect to generate more sales this year than they did last year.
If you're not or haven't been using your email list to generate more sales, now is the time.
Outstanding analysis of how to make content more productive (generate more sales) by aligning it with the needs of the buyer in this digital information age when buyers are gaining more power over sellers (the rise of the buying cycle and the decline of the selling cycle).
Amazon, one of the most prominent ecommerce businesses in the world, made the choice to utilize social proof as a tool to generate more sales, and they do so expertly.
I love what I do, so I don't mind working hard to discover the best strategies, tips and techniques that I think people will find valuable when it comes to generating more sales leads, clients and revenue with LinkedIn.
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