Sentences with phrase «to get a second job»

Also consider getting a second job to temporarily save enough money which can be used to pay off your payday loan.
You can do this by finding a new position, negotiating with your boss for a raise or even getting a second job.
Again the are not able to go get a second job.
You'll also see advice out there to get a second job for several months before applying so that the income from that is counted in your favor.
It may mean getting a second job or living in a less expensive home.
You can also get a second job and works nights and weekends as a supplement to your day job.
Due to some family health problems I had to get a second job working the night shift at a Hotel.
If you want to shorten the time between being declined and getting approved for a credit card it may require getting a second job or adding overtime.
And you better do it while you can still get a second job.
Depending on your work schedule, get a second job on the weekends or throughout the week.
You can explore getting a second job or running a part time business.
I'm not forcing him to get a second job because I bought Gears used.
Besides you can always get a second job to supplement your income.
I say spend the dough to protect the kids get a second job if you need more income..
Really, if it takes someone an hour to cut coupons and they save $ 10 they probably would not go out and get a second job for an hour a week.
I can't get a second job right now to show that I could afford the home on my own, cause if I make even more money on paper, he will definitely try to get support from me.
You can also bring in more money by getting a second job or part - time job that you can do on you free time (tutoring, baby - sitting, dog - walking, freelance writing, blogging, and so much more).
They figure they're doing a lot of it so they're getting the $ out of their work and sacrificing the profit that should be there just so they can get in cheap... might as well get a second job... Anyway, I still see the market as abundant with absolutely no problem getting my clients heavy cash flowing deals in where I believe the be the most strategic locations of Rochester.
6) You would be better off getting a second job so you can afford to pay for marketing to a larger list than hunkering down with your micro list and spending your own labor to do your mailings.
Myers has raised two of her children as a single mother, and recalled having to get a second job after her ex-husband got behind on his child support.
Likewise, if your spouse gets a second job, it'll almost certainly impact how much you'll owe in taxes as a couple, possibly necessitating an adjustment to either — or both — of your withholding allowances.
Get a Second Job Boss turned down your request for a raise?
I would be better off getting a second job at the gap than using Brian pages formula.
Shopping on Etsy has become my new obsession — with so many adorable hand - crafted items for babies and children, I have considered getting a second job to help support the shopping habits I have developed on that site.
Once all areas of cost - cutting have been exhausted you are left with the only other alternative of increasing your income and you will need to look at whether you're able to increase your hours of work or possibly even get a second job to bring in enough additional income to cover your expenses.
«Many of them are saying, «I'm going to collect my state retirement, and I'm going to go get a second job.
If this is financially infeasible, then get a second job you should read up on each game to see which one or ones you may want to download.
You can boost your income — and funnel that extra cash into retirement savings — by getting a second job, doing freelance work or turning a hobby into a money - making venture.
It echoes the ballsy statement Sony made at the Playstation 3's launch, telling consumers they should just get a second job to buy their console.
«If you are not in the top five or 10 in the world, you are struggling to not have to get a second job,» she added.
At some point in the future, they'll either have to get a second job or rely on federal or state help, Swanciger said.
It was inevitable perhaps, but paying off this much debt in less than a single year required Arnold to get a second job: delivering pizzas every night after his day gig.
If you don't get that first job, it's hard to get the second job and it's hard to build a solid financial base.
Munger believes: «They take people and give them a first job, which enables them to get a second job.
For those of you who are poor college students or people without a lot of liquid assets (like most Americans), you may be wondering if there is another way for you to generate some cash without having to get a second job.
You can sell items you don't need, get a second job, ladder CDs, or just set aside part of your income each month.
Getting a second job is one strategy.
So, if you really abhor celebrating God, then you should get a second job and work those days as well.
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