Sentences with phrase «to get addicted to something»

Even made a big batch by adding cashews, pecans, raisins and took it to my family and everyone got addicted to it like crazy.
When I had my babies, smoothies were part of the rotation and they quickly got addicted to them.
We hope you will try it too and get addicted to it as we are.
It makes * no * sense to spend money to fix third - world water systems while happily letting children get addicted to something that will kill many of them.
There was a time when I did get to use it but I never got addicted to it like I have with this Intel Tablet.
IMPORTANT: As soon as you start with google analytics you can get addicted to it Don't check your analytics statistics every day!
Think of it as play money, but do n`t get addicted to it.
If you're new to healthy eating and are yet to try a green smoothie, just do it — I know that it initially seems so daunting to drink something this colour but trust me, you'll get addicted to them soon enough!
to be completely honest with you, i better say we literally got addicted to it.
I agree with you about Ipads, I don't like parents using them at the slightest moment of boredom, as I think that is partly the reason kids get addicted to them.
I usually bought Nestle Fresh supposedly for me but my 3 - 0 daughter get addicted to it and now she does not like her powdered milk (Progress Gold) anymore.
Spent countless hours on my 360 and then my wife got addicted to it and ended up red ringing a few 360s due to playing the first two games so much!
She step - by - step walks patients through how to use medical marijuana for their specific medical condition without getting high off of it, without getting addicted to it, and without smoking it.
I only started doing smoothies during D - Tox January, but I quickly got addicted to them.
I downloaded it myself about a week ago and sure, it made me wan na throw my tablet across the room but I never got addicted to it.
This is really a mistake on my part for buying this at Wal - Mart and now getting addicted to it.
Yes, it probably is addictive — why can't I get addicted to something like poached fish!
I got addicted to it lol.
Loved the Laughing Cow Queso Fresco — you got me addicted to it now!
I must warn you, if you decide to watch any of Hayao Miyasaki movies you will get addicted to them, just like you will with these Chocolate Coconut Pecan balls.
I get addicted to it because it can be used with so much!
Sugar has many bad side effects on us, not only is it easy to get addicted to it, it also makes us feel not so good when eating it, however, we can't help but go back for more!
Be careful... the blueberry coconut butter is so good your family may get addicted to it!
It is so easy to get addicted to it.
I got addicted to them in college, when I wanted an easy way to feed myself for an entire week without cooking every night.
However, it's become funny because some cloth diapers moms, have gotten ourselves addicted to it.
Laxatives shouldn't be taken for more than a few days because your body can get addicted to them.
That's right, the secret Food Industrial Complex (FIC) has secretly hidden sugar in your ketchup to get you addicted to it.
«Then you have to really realize that you have to make exercise like brushing your teeth, because once you connect how it makes you feel, you'll get addicted to it
And ooooh I could get addicted to it no problem haha.
My problem is that I would get addicted to it and want to keep going back because not having to use mascara... well that's pretty cool but this is definitely one of those more expensive treats (like a massage!)
I also agree with the author that getting addicted to it is hugely dangerous, just being addicted to FB, your iPhone, etc., is hugely dangerous.
And he craves it so badly that he gets addicted to it.
And, you know, he said he didn't want to get addicted to me, and he didn't want me to get addicted to him.
Some people warn about feeding cats too much fish, or feeding fish too often because cats can get addicted to it and not want to eat anything else, so if you do feed a food like this one, it's probably a good idea to alternate it with some non-fish canned foods.
And my experience is once people start doing it, they get addicted to it, and they love it, and those fears that they have just don't materialize.»
The restaurant serves delicious food of which the tuna poke is so good that you will get addicted to it.
Amazing game, I got addicted to it!
I'm mostly afraid I'll get addicted to it that's why I don't pick it up.
I think I started to get addicted to it.
While not all THAT short, it's still short enough not to overstay its welcome but long enough to get you addicted to it.
The game is so ridiculously massive in what you can do, where you can go, and how you can play, it's hard NOT to get addicted to it.
You might wan na try it, it can be a fun little time waster for half an hour, but I doubt you'll get addicted to it.
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