Sentences with phrase «to get into the series»

If you enjoyed the first, or are interested in getting into the series, then I would highly recommend checking this game out.
I can speak to this directly: I've tried to get into the series for years with little success.
I've never gotten into the series, but lately... Lately I've been growing more and more curious.
If I was to attempt to get into the series which one should I start with?
If you were ever interested in getting into the series, now is as good of a time as ever.
He made bad grades, got into a series of disputes and left in fourth grade by mutual agreement with a truant officer whose grim visage he still remembers vividly.
I haven't gotten into the series yet but I'm very interested in Shin Megami Tensei V especially now that it's on a much more powerful hardware.
For those who've not really experienced the Metal Gear franchise, this would be a great way to get into the series if you're looking for a basic package.
That said, the easy mode makes MM10 a better option for new fans just getting into the series before they «graduate» to normal mode or MM9 (not to mention the classic games available on the Virtual Console), and series veterans will still love what MM10 has to offer (especially some of the achievements / challenges).
If I had to guess, I'd say that Persona 5 likely won't get a bundle — it seems like the bundles they do are really just for their commercial slam - dunks, and while Persona 5 is a day - one must - buy for me and a lot of other people, I think the fact that the series hasn't seen a proper console release since PS2 (I personally got into the series with P4 Golden on my Vita, but I accept that most people don't have a Vita) means it's more of a second - tier release for them.
As someone who got into the series late last year, it's a bit of a letdown.
Fans will no doubt ennjoy it, but if you never got into the series there's no reason to start now.
Capcom fills out most of the PlayStation 4 content, and that's great for anyone who's yet to get into series like Resident Evil or Mega Man.
«It's really interesting to see the slow burn of people getting into the series
Get into the series hailed as an «era - defining smash» by TIME.
Well, it's a way to give the readers a deal, perhaps encouraging those who are on the fence about getting into the series, and it's still a pretty good deal for me.
Dynamite and StoryBundle have worked together to make sure it's easy to get into these series by featuring many issue # 1s and volume 1s, so you won't feel like you need to jump in in the middle of a storyline.
My guess is that they will be repackaged with flashy Wiimote motion - sensey action and shiny new box art to give those who recently got into the series on Wii a chance to see what all the fuss was about way back when.
The only thing that could probably get me into the series is online co-op with voice chat but knowing Nintendo that will never happen.
I don't want to read this because it says there is spoilers in the article (Just started Kingdom Hearts 1 for the very first time, will be getting into the series now).
With the release of Darksiders III set for 2018, its addition to Xbox Game Pass should be a great way to get into the series ahead of launch.
It was somewhat of a homecoming for me — I lived in Osaka several years ago, and it's where I first got into the series.
We tried watching Frontier but couldn't get into the series.
Ok so I've wanted to get into this series for a while but it seems the better games are more money (obviously:P).
While things start off pretty calmly with Jerry slowly teaching Mike his first lessons in survival, mining and crafting, our two players manage to get themselves into a series of misfortune - mining too deep, escaping monster - ridden mines and stumbling into a mysterious and hostile clan.
If anyone's interested in getting into the series and you're a fan of survival horror games, grab that bundle.
Of course, it goes without saying that Detective Pikachu is presented to be for Pokemon fans of all ages, if you know your stuff and been playing for 20 years you'll do just as well as a kid who only just got into the series.
Released last year in Japan as Monster Hunter XX, this hunting action experience might be a little bit different, for all the western fans that got into the series with the blockbuster hit Monster Hunter World.
Because you have new customers who 1) got into the series later and are now checking out the older games or 2) got into FF because of PS but never had an SNES.
O'Brien certainly fooled the people who thought he was too busy to get into the series in the first place.
The course is part of our Get Into series, inspiring you to try out new things.
We got into a series of science and technology conferences whereby we try to think out of the box, moving away from our everyday work on nuclear test monitoring to see what the outside scientific community could do with the technology that we use.
I tried Mad Men because of all the hype over the costuming, but I just couldn't get into the series.
There is a new «simple» mode that is designed to give newcomers an easy way to get into the series.
If you are a fan of the first film, then I highly recommend you getting into this series if you haven't already.
Therefore, the release of Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory seemed like a good excuse to get into the series.
I've tried time and again to get into this series, but I just couldn't do it, until Capcom came along with something truly enticing.
I've tried time and again to get into this series, but I just couldn't do it,...
If any people who are new to the Monster Hunter universe want to get into the series, but feel it's just to hard or you didn't get what was going on, just let me know and I will be glad to help.
From Marin to Ravio, there's something here for everyone no matter when they got into the series.
Then he gets into a series called «Persons Unknown» and «Lincoln Height».
I loved Hypervelocity and Empowered has been on my «I really should get into this series» list for a few years.
They are also intensely loyal... so when they get into a series they love, they'll want the experience of something tangible, they'll want to collect, savor, have it around to look at.
They can get into a series and just go.
The King of Fighters ’96 (PS3, PSP)-- It's not quite KOF» 98, but the 1996 edition of SNK's 2D fighter was about when I really started to get into the series.
At first, I didn't think I could get into this series (having quit DS1 after only 4 hours of game play a few years back), but this time I was determined to give this series a fair shot.
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