Sentences with phrase «to get labor started»

While not fool - proof, some women decide to avoid the medical induction (therefore limiting the associated interventions) by trying natural means of getting labor started.
Some women will be impatient and want to try to get labor started through natural methods.
You have passed your due date, and your doctor suggests getting your labor started.
Of these women, 50 percent had tried some natural method of getting labor started.
There's still some debate about how effective spicy food is for getting labor started (although I have to admit it seemed to work for me!)
When I arrived to the hospital, I was given an oral prostaglandin to help get labor started.
Pitocin is the synthetic version of oxytocin — the hormone that gets your labor started naturally.
Sometimes, nature ends up needing a little help in the form of a medical intervention — whether it's something to nudge labor along or even get labor started such as the administration of Pitocin or the artificial rupture of membranes, an instrument (forceps, vacuum) or procedure (episiotomy) to help ease a baby out, or fetal monitoring (internal or external) to make sure a baby is weathering the stresses of labor well.
In the past few weeks I have tried everything you can imagine to get this labor started.
If you want to learn more about naturally induced labor, here are tips on several ways to get labor started.
They recommended trying some things to get labor started, one of those things being castor oil.
That gets labor started, and so then they take her off it and she goes on to have easy unmedicated deliveries a couple of hours later.
If you're pregnant and past your due date, you might want to try nipple stimulation to get labor started.
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