Sentences with phrase «to get one's book read»

This can help you immensely in getting your book read in the first place.
But any aspiring author who is serious about getting their book read needs to know their book elevator pitch.
Now, as its publisher and number one proprietor, you have two primary concerns for your efforts: get the book read by others, and see a return on your investment.
Only drawback is I only had 21 days to read no option to renew so I was in a rush getting my book read in under 21 days
Lucky for her she hadn't bothered to look at the guidelines, or listen to all the people who said she needed an agent, or believed there was only one way to get her book read at that company.
After getting this book I read through each one and am excited to try them out!)
Even professional authors need help in getting their books reading for publication and then marketing them, but unlike professional authors, not everyone has the budget to go out and hire an agent or a manager.
I think the most successful publicity services out there will be those that connect authors with knowledge that helps them market more efficiently for the long term, and provide services that get their books read by the right readers.
As soon as I got this book I read and read and read.
I heard about your plan of Lose the Wheat and Lose the Weight, got the book read it cover to cover, got the cookbook, bought all the stuff I could afford, stopped all the wheat, made the food in the cookbook and guess what?
I say anything that gets your book read is fair game.
If you want to sell to a traditional NY publisher, then you probably do need an agent just to get your book read.
Experienced book publishers will tell you that finding a niche market is the best way to get your book read.
By the time I was finished with those hours, I knew I had to talk about this, since new writer after new writer talked about how they had to compete with all the other writers to get their books read.
They are spending enormous amounts of time and decent amounts of money to get their books read, to get reviews in the Kindle Store, and to hit the bestsellers list.
Generally, blog tour host sites charge a fee to get your book read and reviewed by their blogging groups, whereas most individual blogs are willing to read and review books for free or for only a small compensation for the time spent reading the book.
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