Sentences with phrase «to get ready for the next game»

Since we had played on Thursday, I had a couple of extra days to get ready for our next game against the Arizona Cardinals.
It's always important to remember that even though professional athletes are portrayed as making «miraculous» recoveries after receiving PRP injections; you can't forget that they have an entire team of people working with them 24/7 getting them ready for the next game with an integrated program of exercise, rehab, and nutrition.
«You always try to help your team - mate in a situation like this because I've been in the same situation a few times and you need to make sure the next day you put it behind you and you come back to work and get ready for the next game because you can't change it.»
And get ready for the next game
Because there is always two ways of looking at these things, I can see this as being an advantage and allowing us extra rest to get ready for the next game.
You had to get ready for the next game
The exciting part is you got a challenge and you got some improvements to make and you sit and you watch them and you break it down and you get ready for the next game and carry it from there.»
Drinking and smoking and hanging out are not going to help me get ready for the next game.
Thirty minutes later I'm checking the schedule and getting ready for the next game, because I know that's the one where we really get it going.
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