Sentences with phrase «to get someone to the vet»

Bad odor is often a sign of a severe infection so getting him to a vet as soon as possible matters.
If you can not get to a vet right away, inspect your kitten.
With severe bite wounds, first aid may be necessary to save your pet's life and keep him alive in order to get to the vet for professional care.
This is a painful condition, so get to your vet asap.
I didn't have a car and I was too far out of town to get her to a vet in time, even if I'd had a car.
Even so, please don't wait too long to get them to the vet if their appetite doesn't perk up, as that will likely just make things worse.
Please don't try to give them your pain medications — it's a recipe for disaster — just get them to the vet immediately for evaluation and safe / effective treatment.
If your dog displays these symptoms, get to the vet within 48 hours.
If the kitten is chilled - cold to the touch, hardly moving and not screaming for its mother - then get it to a vet right away.
Once cats get to the vet's office, they often don't want to come out of their carriers.
Just be sure to get to the vet at the first sign of a reaction.
I've never been able to get them to the vet while it's happening, but their normal vet visits have gone perfectly fine with no health concerns.
I would keep an eye on her but if it goes on too long get to the vets.
He's expressing all symptoms of the article but I don't think I can get him to the vet because only one person is driving here.
Length and frequency matter Get to the vet as soon as possible if your dog experiences multiple seizures in a row without waking up or has one that lasts longer than five minutes.
Get to the vet immediately for proper diagnosis and the most appropriate course of treatment.
You must be prepared to get her to the vet quickly in an emergency.
You are so right, with kittens and puppies it's always best to get them to a vet ASAP.
If your dog displays such symptoms, get him to the vet for an examination as soon as possible.
It will be quickly apparent that you have a very sick dog, and you should get him to the vet as quickly as possible.
If you can't get to the vet right away, you'll need to refrigerate the sample.
He was so sick that he could have died if we had not gotten him to the vet.
If you can reduce or slow the gas, you've probably bought yourself a little more time to get to a vet if your dog is bloating.
In general, the sooner your cat gets to the vet's office, the better their prognosis.
The good news is that 25 % more animals can be saved if humans perform first aid BEFORE getting to their Vet (American Animal Hospital Association AAHA statistic).
Some rabbits appear to be able to handle small quantities of this toxin with no obvious effects, but many other pet parents find that their rabbits do not survive even after getting to a vet.
They just arrived here (8.25.2015) and we are getting them to a vet today (8.26).
Whatever it is that makes getting to the vet difficult, Tulsa's newest mobile veterinarian can help.
If the thought of wrangling your cat to get them to their vet appointment makes you cringe - you're not alone.
MAGSR saw to it that Daisy got to a vet who put her on medication, which cleared up most of her problems.
We know you don't particularly want poo in your fridge, so get to the vet asap!
Should your cat be straining to go, or is not able to urinate at all, then the situation is extremely serious, get her to the vet pronto.
If they have suddenly lost interest in their favorite toys or games or suddenly seem sluggish and disoriented get them to the vet immediately.
She is unable to get to the vet on her own, so we offered to assist when she told us that her sweet George was under the weather.
Possible causes are change in diet and human food get to a vet for the meds bout 70 dollars total and feed him boiled chicken and rice for a week if he starts to get better continue for one more week and no people food especially pork.
If a cat exhibits any of these symptoms, Cats Protection advises getting it to a vet as soon as possible for urgent treatment.
Please help until i can get him to a vet!!
She was pretty good about getting them to the vet and making sure that they had their shots and respective immunizations which did not come cheap.
If you have noticed that your dog is coughing and gagging a lot as well as having trouble breathing then get him to a vet straight away to be sure there is nothing seriously wrong.
Three puppies from Havens died after Woodcock got them to her vet, she recalls: They had giardia, canine herpes and a strain of salmonella associated with cows.
If your pup shows ANY kind of illness, you CA N'T wait until the next business day to get to the vet ¦ your pup will be dead before you get there.
I finally got her to the vet and he did an exam on the lesion and said it was ringworm.
This will really help in lowering body temperature and is a crucial step in cooling down a dog suffering from heatstroke before getting them to the vets.
If your rabbit's head starts to tilt to one side and stays, if they keep losing their balance or rolling, get them to the vet immediately for the appropriate medications!
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