Sentences with phrase «to get something clear»

I have read all of the arguments about climate change and lets get it clear.
The first is to get it clear in your mind that you will never learn «enough» before jumping in to be satisfied.
Or if you have a query, get them cleared at the good e-reader forum.
In case of any doubt, you can connect with our 24/7 live customer care support staff and get it cleared right away!
In case, you get stuck at any point get it clear from the agent to avoid any confusion later on.
But after several weekends and a few long weeks, we finally got it all cleared out, sold, and donated.
The Potters are still looking for a new manager as well as some wins to get themselves clear of the drop zone.
Please get it clear that the fans are not picking on Wenger!
Definitely get yourself cleared by a doctor before jumping into intervals, because the whole idea is to rapidly and repeatedly raise your heart rate, alternating the high heart rate work with brief recovery periods.
Because WWE is still going to be testing Bryan after every match and bump, to make sure that he is, in fact, as healthy as the tests that got him cleared suggests: considering Bryan hid post-concussion seizures the last time he tried to return to the ring, the extra effort is more than just caution.
If you've been dipping in and out of articles about Hand in Hand Parenting, and wondering what all the terms mean, the book will really help get it all clear in your head so you can really start putting the tools into action.
But the organization managed to outfit a truck, dubbed «the beast,» as a mobile veterinary hospital and got it cleared through customs.
As for SEGA hiring Christian Whitehead, get something clear over here.
This should get you a clearer map of your area and from this, you can tell if Project Fi is supported in the region or not.
So just to get it clear Cafcass, you feel it is in their best interests to grow up through their formative years believing they have been abandoned and rejected by half their family.
I did have a new logic board put in (time - frame specific defect, I'm told) which would have run between $ 600 - 800, but the extended warranty got me clear.
Too bad that satelitte didn't get us a clear channel... and I'm dying to know what was the blog title that meant «wife swapping»??? Hilarious I'm sure!
Please get it clear, I am not fighting Mimiko, he is the leader of our party as I said.
After the seventh year, the insurer has to file a surrender charge and get it cleared by Irdai.
Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) manages to stop the bomb from hurting anyone on the ground, but when she raises it into the air to get it clear of the marketplace where Crossbones set it off, it explodes beside a building, killing several people.
Whatever it is, get it clear and strong in your mind and throw open the floodgates.
Tomorrow, Lord, I'll say it then, that's when I'll say Amen, I need to get it clear, can I just run through that again?
Follow Wenger statements and get it clear that arsenal does not need to buy.Dm arteta, coq, beilik, Defence wenger said no more defenders, goal keepers no, attacking players wenger said we are stacked there.We have the squad that can win us title next season.Listen to the manager not journalist
Obviously, it is something that makes a baby very uncomfortable and you want to get it cleared up as soon as possible.
Let us get it clear, because what we have now is depreciation and not deliberate intervention by the CBN, which is devaluation, but the impact is the same.
There are concerns both among Labour MPs and party members and we need to get it cleared up.»
The NDC should get it clear that there are no cowards in the PPP.
Without getting all «woo - woo» on you, let's get something clear: Love is your natural state.
Swimming or running can get you clear your mind and keep yourself in good shape.
First of all let's get something clear — your body is going through a process of detoxification all the time.
you can get it cleared up quickly by talking to Taking It All Too Hard is the sixth track from the 1983 album Genesis by Genesis.
First off, let's get something clear — I hate Adam Sandler with a passion and I have never sat through one of his movies without wanting to punch him.
«It's also beneficial for them to verbalize and write their ideas out, to make them succinct, get them clear, and realize when they're not clear.»
This step allows individuals to view their credit score and try to find any inaccuracies and get them cleared up before submitting a request for a bad credit mortgage loan.
I got it cleared up and it brought my credit back up to 760.
Let's get something clear here, people.
If you discover a fishy account on your credit report or see a blatant error, get it cleared up as soon as you can so you're not negatively affected when trying to prove your creditworthiness down the road.
We were able to get it cleared up with the bland diet, but it came right back when they went back to their food.
Let's get something clear form the very start: Loyalty or Rewards programs have nothing to do with rewarding a consumer's loyalty.
And so it's important that we get something cleared up right away: this isn't Forza 5, nor is it trying to be Forza 5.
Before we start, let's get something clear: The best marketing and PR will cost you much more than a dime.
Either way you'll want to contact the credit bureaus to get it cleared up, but to be safe you should treat it as evidence of a bigger problem and act accordingly.
To get it clear, be ready with factual stories, remembering that we are still a story - telling society.
I'm not gonna say that it is a piece of cake, but every time I came up against a roadblock, it's just a quick email and I got it cleared up for me.
It's messy as all heck to get them cleared and the more time that passes (in years) the harder it is for everyone to PROVE their side of the dispute.
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