Sentences with phrase «to get the buzz going»

Is it to get buzz going for the book before it's released?
So, how do successful authors get buzz going about their book?
In anticipation of its release, the company's social media team is keen on getting the buzz going.
Of course, we're not limiting the discount to just these groups, the idea is really just to get the buzz going within these dynamic mom networks.
You've done the work, now let us help get the buzz going!
I, too, second the fact that you need to get the buzz going early on, but that should not stop you if you're behind.
Not much has been shown, though the trailer from E3 certainly got some buzz going.
and if microsoft does nt annouce anything at gdc (big games coming out) then do nt expect anything at all, considering that any company with a brain knows you need to get the buzz going around for your game for at least 9 months.
I can appreciate Clio's excitement about the findings gleaned from its Legal Trends Report, and its desire to get some buzz going by dropping a few advance bread crumbs to tantalize its audience — and I'm sure that the full report will answer some of my questions.
(Pro tip from Elaine's DIY course: Librarians like it when you've got some buzz going for your book.
Build brand awareness within the community and get a buzz going.
Maybe your social media needs a boost to get some buzz going.
You can get the buzz going and build synergy between Goodreads and Writeon.
How do you get buzz going for your book and garner reviews?
Paper bookmarks are fine for events and such but when you are looking to launch your book and get buzz going that little something extra makes all the difference.
Sony's natty new Tablet S will see release in just a matter of days, so Best Buy decided to show it off to get a buzz going.
Get the buzz going, before official launch day.
A few weeks ago I had an author come to us for marketing, she'd been interviewing several companies, one of whom told her that she doesn't need a lot of reviews on Amazon, just a few will do it to get the buzz going.
To get the buzz going, ARC offered super-low adoption fees ($ 20 for dogs and $ 10 for cats) and started publicizing the event via Facebook, along with local print and television media.
If this game looks interesting to you, if you play it and you like it, if you like the idea, if you like our website, if you like what we're saying, tell other people, cause we need to get that word of mouth going, get that buzz going.
The point is to spread the word and get the buzz going.
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