Sentences with phrase «to get the story»

The idiomatic expression "to get the story" means to obtain or acquire information, often about a particular event or situation. Full definition
I understand that it all came across as positive from your viewpoint in terms of getting his story out there.
Likewise, we're happy to provide our expertise on how to get your story of professional pet care to lawmakers, regulators, activists and customers.
Scientists who don't work well with the press can get a reputation for being difficult — just like reporters who don't get a story right.
We didn't get our story out early, and there was misinformation about who our company was.
It's the fact you're having a hard time getting your stories in front of readers.
They'll differ in the detail, but if you ask them to write about a football game you won't get any stories about a monster truck rally.
They give up any and all free time in exchange for getting the story on paper.
That may be a good way to prevent getting some stories for this game.
There is a lot more research for some types of travel writing, finding a source and really getting the story from all aspects.
If you join we'll do our best to help you achieve your goal of getting your stories into print — your goal is one we share.
You might reach out to industry magazines, blogs, or journals to get a story published about your firm.
And as often happens with writers, they may find themselves in need of help getting their story told.
We went to the source to get the story behind the new build.
She added that women often can't get their story across in court because it's too expensive.
This dude spent $ 3.5 million and he doesn't even get a story to believe in; just the leap of faith that there is nothing more than this.
Also get stories, recipes, tips and tricks to inspire your whole food, plant based journey.
Have you ever gotten a story idea from a dream?
Table 19 has an interesting and relatable premise, but it takes too long to get the story going.
Prior to the study sessions about story I was struggling with getting my story written and some fear with talking about it.
To get your story heard, however, you need to tell a compelling story.
Two films coming out this year deal with getting the story out to the public.
And now is a good time for the company to start getting its story across to a wider array of investors.
So getting my stories out in print seemed to be the only way to go.
I assume there was a lot riding on getting the story just right, and maybe the uphill battle became too much.
Apparently the mainstream media has no problem promoting stale, blanket stereotypes just to get a story read.
Feel inspired and prepared to travel solo by getting stories like this and travel advice in your inbox twice a month.
This article provides some very helpful tips for the first time novel writer on how to get their story ready for publication.
We have made progress at getting our story across.
But obviously the real stars are the hundreds of artists and technicians who get this story told with so much visual accuracy and wit.
No, actually I have an answer for you on this — get your story finished first.
Every time I go to a place, I try to be as cautious as I can be while still getting the story.
At the moment, I'm just focused on actually getting the story done.
But a creating a query letter first, when you first get a story idea, would be an interesting way to see if it's good or needs work.
Every hub you visit is boasting a lot of content as you not only get the story missions but side missions.
From agents seeking submissions, to character - building advice from industry professionals, we've got a story here for everyone.
So in this new world, getting stories up electronically can help out other sales given time.
The overall structure of the game is familiar - go to town, get a story sequence, get some quests, go out and kill guys.
You will also want to protect your image, whether that means getting your story out there or keeping things private.
It doesn't help that it seems like the only writers or artists that get their stories turned into movies are the eccentric ones.
This is how journalists often get stories, and you can too.
Surprisingly enough, in all the excitement of getting a story down on paper, this always seems to be an after thought.
-LSB-...] we have to get the story elements balanced and make them carry their weight.
, he noted that he has veto rights on the script and is working hard to ensure that the film gets the story right.
Sure, I have to invest my own money to get my stories edited.
Consumers will pay money to get stories whether they come on paper, over e-books, online... there are several ways to deliver stories, and books are but one option.
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