Sentences with phrase «to get this sorted»

But what I didn't know was that I also had little shot of getting any sort of scholarship or other assistance.
I let my son take it or leave it — he doesn't get this sort of stuff very often so I'm not too worried.
This recipe is a fairly easy one but there are a few things we need to get sorted before you start.
It's easier if we stick to just defining it as a vaginal delivery, otherwise things get all sorts of confusing.
This is, in a way, a most pessimistic approach because it assumes that things wont gets sorted in another way..
The save pile gets sorted into as many categories as you need.
You won't be able to market the property without one, so get it sorted as soon as possible — they're valid for 10 years.
He'd obviously convinced himself he was far too important to actually have to face the music and hoped everyone else got it sorted for him.
Take off right away if you're ready to go, or, take your time getting sorted with luggage and car seats.
Always wait until you are less upset then get it sorted out.
If they don't get this sorted out before the playoffs, it's gonna get real ugly.
I'm hoping that my food issues get sorted out before the summer is over so I can take advantage of the fresh veggies from the market and in my garden.
Usually, you will need to get some sort Dating games offer a little love practice and a lot of fantasy fulfillment — whether that's wild romance or naughty adventures.
We always got some sort of whole wheat bread.
If you have taken a defensive driving course, you will probably get some sort of discount.
I'm sure this will all get sorted out over time, as more editions become available for great works of classic literature.
In only a matter of seconds, you've already got this sort of paste happening, and it's already beginning to smell real good, too!
I have heard of some requiring a retainer up front, so if the buyer doesn't buy a house, they still get some sort of money.
My hope is that we also get some sort of release timeframe.
Once everything gets sorted out the engine doesn't feel like it's lacking in power, but the overall performance is poor thanks to the lag and abrupt power delivery.
But you should only work hard at things you actually get some sort of kick out of doing.
Unless you get really lucky, your resume and cover letter will get sorted by computers, or by low - level HR reps hired for just that purpose.
And you know, when I finally got them all I sort of felt sad.
My eye brows are on full growth and I couldn't buy time to get them sorted at the salon.
What a government can't do though is pump money into the economy indefinitely without getting any sort of return.
The developer needs to pull their finger out and get it sorted though.
What I would say is that if things are not ok when you arrive, keep complaining as it seems that those that complain most get sorted first.
I can definitely get some sort of response within a few hours.
When's the last time a receiving back got that sort of contract?
Both of you will have to go through it all again if things don't get sorted early on.
Am I the only person who gets this sort of feeling in games?
And you only get those sorts of environments in big cities.
No one will ignore how popular the system is either, as we've seen with the system getting all sorts of support.
Glad to hear things got sorted over the weekend.
I'm also working on getting some sort of shelf behind my couch, and I love how you worked yours into the space you had!
A new mom often gets some sort of maternity leave from her work.
Once they became teens, they started getting all sorts of things like a new swim suit or t - shirt.
Once the identity theft is reported, you can select how to manage your credit while the situation gets sorted out.
It's a minor spoiler to say but everyone pretty much gets some sort of happy ending in the end.
Did you ever notice that once you turned 50 you began getting all sorts of new offers in the mail?
This way, if your kid gets some sort of disease down the road, he or she will still have some coverage in place.
Some will do more than others but all of them will at least get you some sort of item.
In the 80s, when my parents decided to work, my mom got all sorts of comments about how she was abandoning her duties as a mother.
I love getting all sorts of new jewelry that is original and creative.
He too points out that CI is trading at a premium and until a sale gets sorted out the stock price will be under tremendous pressure.

Phrases with «to get this sorted»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z