Sentences with phrase «to get to a healthy weight»

They choose to get to a healthy weight without actually returning to their pre-pregnancy size.
Overweight kids who get to a healthy weight by age 13 have same risk of developing diabetes in adulthood as someone who never weighed too much
VH: I like what you said about getting to a healthy weight before you stop dwelling on calories.
The Mediterranean diet is the best diet to live well, be well, and get to a healthy weight without feeling deprived or hungry.
«These strategies could not only reduce an individual's risk of obesity - related diseases but also help them get to a healthy weight
Making small changes in eating, drinking and keeping physically active that you can stick with in the long term can help you get to a healthy weight — and stay there.»
According to Zinczenko, getting to your healthy weight has everything to do with your metabolism, which is not set in stone.
Check out these secrets of naturally thin people and fitness tweaks to get to your healthiest weight.
Ruhstaller said the new research «adds to the support for the argument that women contemplating pregnancy should really do everything they can to get themselves to a healthy weight, which can be a challenge.
If you are overweight, getting to a healthy weight can help to minimize joint pain and prevent further injury.
It feels freeing to have a rapidly approaching helping hand, a tool in my toolbox to help me get to a healthier weight.
You've worked your butt off to get yourself to a healthy weight.
A healthy vegan diet (lots of greens & raw plant based foods — no junk) will get you to a healthy weight.
This is so they can get to a healthier weight to be approved for surgery / anesthesia.
There are plenty of things we can do to get to a healthy weight and,...
It wasn't until I educated myself on nutrition and payed attention to the signs my body was telling me about food sensitivities that I got to a healthy weight and stayed there.
Getting to a healthy weight and staying there is an important way to prevent heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, and other serious conditions.
Get to your healthy weight: Try to be at a healthy weight for your height and body type.
I am so thrilled to read that your gaining more confidence with your weight loss, that's only 1/2 of what you gain when you get to a healthier weight!!!
Inflammation plays such an important role in so many chronic issues, so I am offering a new, affordable, to - the - point program to help you find balance, overcome chronic illness, get to a healthy weight and revitalize!
Trinity is looking for a family to help her get to a healthy weight.
Getting to a healthy weight will save you thousands of dollars throughout the course of your life insurance plan.
Losing weight and getting to a healthy weight will not only make your body feel better but also your bank account.
My numbers are all great, however, I have a ways to go to get to a healthy weight.
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