Sentences with phrase «to give pets»

It not only gives the pet owner peace of mind, but also helps to establish a strong bond between you and your pet.
We were SO glad we didn't wait until later to adopt like so many people recommend when they say don't give pets as gifts.
Each holiday season, stories hit the media that feature warnings to the public about the dangers of giving pets as gifts.
Recognizing the importance of giving pet parents a safe and effective way to clean up after their furry children, they started with just a single carpet - cleaning product.
These also give pet parents some time off from their dog - walking chores.
I think that not giving your pet food before going to an animal hospital is a great tip.
Although your intentions may be good, it is important to consider the following before giving a pet as a gift.
88 % of dog owners and 65 % of cat owners give their pets treats, up 81 % and 56 % respectively from 2002.
We also believe in giving every pet owner various treatment options so they can select a treatment based on their budget and knowledge.
Never give your pet medication of any kind unless directed to do so by your veterinarian!
Together, we can help give pets in need the gift of a loving home this holiday season.
Never give your pet more than the prescribed dosage at a given time, even if you miss a dose.
If the owners are also giving their pets treats on top of the hay mixture, their pets may be getting too much sugar.
The two - story townhouse style gives your pet plenty of space to live and play.
The ball not only gives pet owners a new look at their pets in action, but allows them to keep their animals moving.
But animal - control officers offer special precautions this year about giving pets for holiday gifts.
Simply by giving your pet high quality chews helps keep their teeth and gums healthy and strong.
This Holistic Select product is a perfect example of the brand's focus on giving pet owners healthy dog food options.
Give your pet something with a familiar smell that will help remind her that she is safe.
And, the holidays are the most popular time for giving pets treats and gifts.
Larger habitats not only give pets more room, they also provide space to include different amenities and accessories, which are becoming popular with the owners of these pets.
This will give your pet time to get acquainted with everyone.
If giving your pet their medication is an ongoing battle regardless of its form, talk to your veterinarian and see if there is an option for longer lasting meds.
Thinking about giving your pet away or putting him / her up for adoption?
While giving your pet medication can be difficult, and at times, frustrating, rely on your veterinarian and their team to help you develop a solution.
We offer exclusive amenities to give your pet with the ideal home away from home, whether your pet is in search of luxury or paradise.
When giving your pet heartworm medication, always give it the same time each month.
The result is durable products that bear little resemblance to their weaker predecessors, giving pet specialty retailers confidence that these products will be well regarded by their customers.
Avoid giving pets as gifts to those not in your immediate family.
Many clients derive great pleasure from giving their pets special treats.
I recommend asking your veterinarian what specific parasite your dog or cat has before giving your pet what could be an unnecessary drug.
Q: I have a friend who only gives her pets heartworm prevention during the summer.
Still I can't help but wonder how much more fun everything would be if people gave their pets names that were a little more exciting or absurd.
Giving your pet too much of this fresh herb is likely to cause upset stomach and diarrhea, which can easily turn into more severe health problems if they are allowed to persist.
We are passionate about giving your pet access to the best veterinary care there is.
Ideally give your pet dog a multiple protein diet with 25 to 30 percent protein content and a 15 to 20 percent fat.
Don't give pet stores that sell puppies your money.
Daily care, feeding, grooming, reinforcing obedience, and generally giving the pet love and affection, along with a safe place to stay.
We recommend the following guidelines and advise that you choose the size which gives your pet room to move and feel comfortable.
Don't just give a pet away to a stranger who responds to your ad on the Internet.
If you choose to give your pets human food, they should be given occasionally as treats and not on a regular basis.
* Please Note: We do not recommend giving your pet anything that wasn't made specifically for them.
As part of the Fear Free experience, we will be giving your pets lots of treats during visits.
* Usually when a new baby enters the household, the adults ignore the pets when the baby is active and give the pets attention when the baby is sleeping.
We will always give your pet excellent veterinary care.
We all know how important it is to give pets regular exercise.
In other words, don't even give your pet the opportunity to be naughty.
This bed has a thick, 4 - inch memory foam that will give your pet better mobility and improved health.
We believe in giving our pets everything we can and therefore we only accept pets whose needs we are able to meet.
It is recommended to wait 7 days before giving the pet dental chews or dental treats.
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