Sentences with phrase «to give someone in return»

Or what shall a man give in return for his life?
Your date requests your phone number but doesn't give you his in return.
Whenever you choose our services, affordable prices are available and the high quality given in return is higher than you might think initially.
I desire the finer things in life and hope to find a man willing to give those things with ample giving in return.
If there is anyone up to fulfill my fantasy I'll more than likely give you some in return.
I would take from her and her family but never give in return.
Most rescued dogs range in age from young adult to senior, but all have a lifetime of love to give in return for welcoming them into your family.
Your date requests your phone number but does nt give you his in return.
Whenever you choose our site, low prices are offered and the quality given in return is a lot higher than you might initially think.
Many times a day, I realize how much my outer and inner life is built upon the labors of people, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received and am still receiving.»
Quid pro quo — something given in return for something of equivalent value might describe generally - acceptable business practices, like «you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours» or «one good turn deserves another.»
Or what whall a man give in return for his soul?
Dumbledore asks What is in it for him if he does protect the three... If Dumbledore does helps to protect Lily Potter, James, and baby on the way... Harry... Dumbledore asks... What will Severus give him in return?
it was a small price to pay given the interactivity that Disqus gives me in return.
It was just what I needed to remind myself that sometimes you just need to put yourself out there and ask and you will be happily surprised at what the universe gives you in return.
am a simple lady who is searching for a serious guy, someone who is tired of playing games and he is ready to recieve love and give it in return above all let nature take its course
So that's all we know about the game so far but what are Atari giving you in return for your investment?
Rushing up to that other dog is the most amazing jackpot reward you could possibly give him in return for dragging you there.
I've gotten used to saying «Poşet lazım değil, çantama koyabılırım» («a bag is not necessary, I can put it in my purse»)-- and to the funny looks people usually give me in return.
Since I have been sick, I have met the most incredibly giving and kind people and been the receiver of the most thoughtful and loving words and support from my family, friends and strangers; More than I could I ever give in return.
The general meaning of Gratuity is — «a favor or gift, usually in the form of money, given in return for service.»
«We had some unused air time that we could give away as a prize and we went out and asked what the radio stations could give us in return,» Mr Cookson said.
Ask for it, and give it in return.
That reflects concerns that antitrust issues will either wreck the deal completely, or only be given in return for a much more drastic slimming - down than currently expected in markets like the U.S. and China.
Your audience also needs to know the bottom line: How much money do you want from them, and what are you giving them in return?
The value you provide is the value that the world will give in return.
you are the man, how much do i give in return for this tutorial that has made me millioniar.
Their work consisted in what they could offer to those who lived in the house, the «peace» they could give in return for the hospitality.
Because the Pharisee believes that he has very little to ask from Jesus, he has little to give him in return: not a drop of water, a kiss or a drop of oil.
We try to come up with a gift to give in return — not out of gratitude (after all, we didn't ask for it) or out of friendship (after all, we hardly even know this person), but because we don't want to feel guilty.
At the moment of birth, we love our child merely for the sake of loving it, not for what it gives in return, not for what it does for us, not even for the hope that someday it will love us, back.
But since he did not win what he won at a cheap price, neither does he sell it out at a cheap price, he is not petty enough to take men's admiration and give them in return his silent contempt, he knows that what is truly great is equally accessible to all.
Strangely, the one picture of Papa Bear in the lobby shows him on the sidelines with George Blanda, who spent his most depressing seasons in Chicago, subsequently testifying that Halas «took my 10 best years in pro football and all he gave me in return was a dead sparrow and a piece of string.»
Fine, what are you going to give me in return?
The thing is, often we expect flexibility from our children but forget to give it in return!
The whole thing is a unpredictable with what the more conservative house of representatives will pass, what Trump will sign and what Schumer will give in return.
Assemblyman William Boyland Jr.'s attorney insists Boyland didn't accept a bribe, but was merely trying to «scam what he perceived to be corrupt businessmen trying to scam him,» and all he gave or planned to give in return was «promises, promises, promises and no action.»
So this year we will, for the first time, set out the «NHS offer» to patients as part of an «NHS constitution» - what you can expect to get from the NHS and what we expect to give you in return.
There are multiple investigations of de Blasio and his associations occurring at once - another has to do with donations to a non-profit established by the mayor's allies and whether city action was offered or given in return.
If the other person is a bit of an unknown quantity, your boss may want to start by offering a small interesting titbit of information from your lab - book to see what is given in return.
Ailun Yang, head of climate and energy for Greenpeace China, said the question now is whether China will accept the ideas and what the United States is willing — or able — to give in return.
China, for its part, doesn't see what the United States — with no climate bill in sight and a more conservative Congress that is unlikely to ratify any new treaty — could give in return for a concession on transparency.
So many animals are in need of a home and what they give you in return is unconditional love, gratitude, and many lessons of being mindful and living in the NOW.
She gave me this in return.
But will you have anything to give in return?
She knows what she needs to feel adored and appreciated and she knows what she's able to give in return.
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