Sentences with phrase «to give to one's clients»

It can be an incorrect piece of advice given to a client or an inappropriate course of action taken.
We give you the links to our sites and you put them on your business cards, on your website, or give them to clients in person.
Smart real estate agents know the importance of maintaining a list of qualified home inspectors to give to clients who ask.
Either way, you should give it to your client as soon as possible after they sign your retainer agreement.
One useful example of the challenge ahead is the information given to clients at the outset of their matter on service levels, costs and prospects of success.
On the average, around 90 % of returns are given to the clients for profitable trades.
A short survey is given to clients which asks a few very simple questions about their pet.
The care given to the clients is the best I've experienced.
The message we all too often give to clients is that «you are not really communicating» with your staff or clients.
In - kind donations are given to clients free of charge.
Clearly document the advice given to your client with respect to the requirement for advice from a foreign law qualified counsel.
Made these to give to my clients after their 1:1 consultations, after handing out over 20 balls, I have only received positive comments.
The above example is a good warning to give to your clients now, since we're in the holiday season.
Table Rating — is a health rating given to clients that have specific or severe health conditions that cause an above average risk to the company.
It is the primary communication given to your client before you perform your work.
If the gift you're considering giving to your client isn't useful, meaningful, helpful, social or fun, then you might want to reconsider.
I could make more time to improve the quality of care that my business gives to our clients.
Special consideration is always given to each client's specific risk tolerance and investment goals.
You have just been put in the shoes of every client who has ever been sued, and it is your turn to take the same advice you usually give to your clients.
Heavy attention is given to client responsibility and outstanding lawyers.
The defense wants to minimize the amount of money given to our clients, even when they are responsible.
Specific responses should be given to those clients who have expressed some concern or have offered constructive suggestions.
This document is given to the client as an invaluable reference tool.
As a professional you can purchase 20 units to give to your clients for $ 50 each.
-- people pay hundreds or $ $ $ for this kind of training — give it to your clients FREE — and earn their life - long gratitude and loyalty!
The application forms are given to our clients with no initial obligations.
Create a one or two page document detailing how to make posts private and give it to your clients after your initial meeting.
Mr Justice Akenhead has held in the case of Walter Lilly and Company Limited v Mackay and DMW [2012] EWHC 649 (TCC) that advice given to clients by claims consultants is not covered by legal professional privilege or legal advice privilege, even if that advice was given by solicitors or barristers engaged by those claims consultants.
Even if your retainer with a client lets you charge for opening a file on each matter or for photocopying a file before giving it to a client on request, consider whether these or other charges will ultimately cost more money than they bring in.
A Senior Technical is one who applies his advanced technical knowledge of the trends in the industry to improve the standards of service given to the clients.
Hi Adrienne, I am a health coach and am always looking for recipes to give to my clients so they can have a healthy treat.
This documentation could then be printed and given to clients during the initial in - person consultation, sent as a PDF as part of an intake package, or used on the firm's website.
Frankly, it is probably in the interest of a lot of professionals in the real estate space to read the guide... I can certainly see agents getting benefit from giving it to clients interested in starting amongst many others.
Unless you know your buyers or sellers have a copying device in their home or office, it's very important to remember to bring enough copies along when agreements may be signed or initialed so that you have a copy to give to your clients when they sign or initial.
and «what tools will best give to my client the goods and services needed?»
A copy of the case summary including discharge instructions should be given to the clients at the time of patient discharge and a faxed or electronic medical record / report should be sent to the primary care veterinarian within 12 hours of patient discharge in order to ensure immediate continuity of care and for inclusion in the patient's permanent record.
If the creditor and our client «mutually agree» to the reduced settlement offer, written confirmation is given to our client from the creditor, and the funds are immediately released and paid directly to the creditor.
Banks can afford to charge low rates of 3 - 4 % but that is only because they only give to clients with low risk of defaulting according to their credit score.
The pressure in this case is coming from brokers who want to set up their own virtual office websites (VOWs)-- essentially searchable online databases similar to — and furnish the sites with the same kind of details (mainly negotiated sale prices) they can pull from MLS and give to clients through other means.
Any best interest standard, he continued, has to recognize that «significant change» needs to occur regarding disclosure and fees, and that that information should come «up front,» suggesting that BDs should have to disclose such information to clients in a format similar to the Form ADV that advisors give to their clients.
These included clinical assessment skills in the antenatal period, documentation of instructions given to clients to ensure that midwives could arrive at the birth in a timely fashion, early transport after identification of thick meconium in the amniotic fluid and active management of the third stage of labour for women at risk for postpartum hemorrhage.11
I love your book so much I'm giving it to clients enrolled in my group cleanse, to use as their journal... And my 5yo daughter is getting one too:)»
The best advice that Jacquie gives to clients and singles in the market for a potential partner is to be open to meeting someone — anywhere.
The program is unique - this is the first time a vehicle manufacturer offers such coverage worldwide and is evidence of the attention Ferrari gives to its clients.
Having courted self - publishers to join the various programs that will increase revenue stream, what message will the major bookstores give to their clients now that they are treated like second - class citizens?
Planners / coaches / advisors: it can be a great resource to point your clients towards to help them follow - through on your plans with ETFs or index mutual funds — or contact me for a discounted bulk order and give them to all your clients proactively!
Boarding is a privilege given to our clients who have completed a program with us.
The terraces have also been equipped with the ultimate in lighting effects and leds in the swimming pools with the possibility of changing colours according to the atmosphere required or the specific night activity going on.To complete the harmony created, all the elevators have also been refitted giving to our clients a much faster and efective service.
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