Sentences with phrase «to give up a child»

He adds that he would like to see similar studies in adoptive parents and in mothers who give up their children for adoption.
I also agree with you, I am certain I could never give up a child for adoption.
Perhaps I would reconsider if that happened to me, but I have had friends give up their child for adoption.
A mother choosing to give up her child for adoption is offering a tremendous gift, but should not enter the situation lightly and not without representation to protect her legal rights.
She recognized that if women were giving up their children due to a lack of education, jobs, invested fathers / husbands, she needed to address their reasons for placing their children by offering something different: education, a way to make an income, steady love, support, and encouragement.
I think that a birth mother giving up a child for adoption is the most beautiful example of selfless love — I know I could not have given up any of my children!
It's hard to «grow up and expand my mind» with respect to religion when many priests are giving up child molesting for lent.
You seem to forget or maybe didn't know that during the Depression, parents gave up their children to orphanages or to extended family to raise because they couldn't afford to feed them.
I think the church (and its affiliates) should give up child abuse for Lent.
However if you don't want to give up children completely, I'd try to source those children being the youngest of several siblings.
The airtight agreement slowly begins to unravel, however, when the child is born and biological mother Pingguo realizes that giving up her child simply isn't an option.
Besides, after going through the film, one wonders if Dr. Parnassus has ever felt psychologically torn when considering the eventuality of giving up any child he'll have at their sixteenth anniversary to the Devil.
The story revolves around a troubled couple (exceptionally played by Mira Sorvino and Barry Pepper) who attempt to get their son back from his adopted parents (Cole Hauser and Kate Levering) when the husband gets out of prison and discovers that his wife gave up the child without his knowledge.
Maybe the answer is better counseling of birth parents so they never feel railroaded into giving up their children.
What kind of love is illustrated when Deeti gives up her child?
For years we have dreamt about what it would look like to help families in the midst of their crises so that they never consider giving up their children for adoption.
First of all, prospective birthparents don't give up a child.
The global and personal ramifications of international adoption are complex and it's important to me to feel like I'm contributing toward a world where women aren't forced to give up their children due to poverty, famine and disease.
Some say that a birth mother giving up a child is like an amputation.
I think domestic adoptions you could be much more confident that poverty was not a reason for giving up their child for adoption as well because this country does have a comprehensive welfare program for families below the poverty line specifically so they don't have to loose their children to adoption.
Over one - third of respondents (34.98 %) said they would «give up the right to vote in all elections for life» just to secure an extra 10 % in pay, while 9 % said they would «give up their child's or future child's right to vote» for the rest of their lives.
Every major sending country has seen accusations of «child trafficking» because some birth parents were paid to give up their children.
Giving up the child to adoption allows her to know she has not bowed to the violation and that a bit of her is living somewhere to be wittness to that but she might turn around entirely.
During the next four hours with this young family I prayed with them, stood outside their door as they had time alone with their child, made phone calls to inform the grandparents (at the request of the parents) and kept vigil with the father, who was reluctant to give up his child.
To avoid cutting the baby in half, he opted for the woman whose love impelled her to give up her child to the other woman, in order to save its life.
Jennifer inquires what made her decide on open adoption («I remember not to say «What made you decide to give up your child?
We are supposed to give up our children, to accept that it's «god's will», told that we have made a «noble» sacrifice.....
The proposed bills if allowed will shorten the time when biological parents can change their minds to give up their children.
«It might look like a dirty rugby ball or a piece of modern art, but I can assure you cosmologists would have hacked our computers or given up their children to get a copy of this map,» said George Efstathiou at a press conference at ESA headquarters in Paris, France, this morning.
Always, remember that the right person will never ask you to give up your children.
Forced to give up her child for adoption as a teenager, the woman who inspired the Oscar - nominated film starring Judi Dench talks about forgiveness and keeping her faith.
By accepting a waitlist offer and enrolling your child at that school, you give up your child's previous placement.
The form confirms that you are giving up your child's space at their current school and will be removed from the waitlists of schools you ranked below the school where you are enrolling.
Maria was not willing to give up the children, and Foltest waged a war to claim them.
American state laws generally require that the birth parents must consent to give up their child to the adoptive parents.
It's hard enough to give up your child, much less to a person who you may still be at odds with.
States differ quite a bit on how much counseling they require birth parents to have before making their final decision to give up a child for adoption.
Moms wonder: «How can we be «good» mothers if we are giving up our children's time with us?»
If a mother changes her mind about adoption before the making of the adoption order, but the adopting parents refuse to give up the child, she may then institute legal proceedings to have custody of her child returned to her.
Thinking of themselves as bad mothers, they may even feel that the only option left to them is to give up their children.
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