Sentences with phrase «to go a little bit»

However, you can always go a little bit further and pay off your student loans more quickly.
And with each lesson, they have to let go a little bit more.
I also went a little bit crazy with the flashy flats and fun earrings.
I always have bananas that I let go a little bit too far, and I was getting tired of the old banana bread so I searched for something new and found this.
Now when it comes to serving this soup I sometimes like to go a little bit overboard.
But I think sometimes writing things down let's you let go a little bit.
Of course, we want to love it and I realize we can go a little bit out of our brand, but this mission statement will help.
I wonder if they just needed to go a little bit longer in the oven.
If you don't get backed up by it, then you can always go a little bit higher.
It's intimidating to go that little bit faster, but it can also be thrilling.
We already briefly mentioned the impact that different sources of protein can have, but it also goes a little bit further than potential allergens.
I just think it's going a little bit slower than it might be in other industries.
However, for $ 40, it's an extremely clean, simple mouse that gets the job done and even goes a little bit above and beyond.
This is, I think, a good moment to go a little bit back to your story.
As soon as the weather changes it's easy to fall into a less active pattern and let your self control go a little bit.
I always go a little bit lighter than what I normally wear to cover them better.
Also I would really focus on your diet to go that little bit extra and lean out even more.
But once you are there, it looks like you are way more relaxed and the level of stress goes a little bit lower.
It takes time to get used to going a little bit between feedings.
But selling your personal information goes a little bit deeper.
And I've been going a little bit easier because I'd like to have their help.
You want to see those pass interference calls go a little bit more both ways.
But what will make us Strong next season is to go a little bit defensive.
This will help to make the transition from front facing car seat to rear facing car seat go a little bit smoother.
Since it doesn't give you as much coverage I like to go a little bit darker with the color of mine.
«This night went a little bit later than we thought, but we're leading by a hair - thin margin,» she said.
There is something about fall that makes me want to go a little bit bohemian.
I wear them so often, that I have to customize them to try going a little bit further!
Go a little bit retro with this handheld camera to capture the best moments — on field or off — of the day.
So I may have gone a little bit crazy with the football food.
I think they may have gone a little bit too far, but we are in their country after all.
Example # 2, on the other hand, goes a little bit overboard.
You have to go a little bit out of the area to find this price range, but I can find them.
You are a welcome inspiration to many of us in your age - bracket who want to go a little bit farther on our health journeys.
By the second lap I'm going a little bit faster, gaining confidence in the car and generally learning which way the corners go.
I know that the better option is to stay and let go a little bit.
So when costing up projects, go that little bit higher.
I always go a little bit lighter than what I normally wear to cover them better.
You know, maybe for instance, woman with PCOS, they might want to try to go a little bit lower carb even so.
Obviously I go to restaurants for the food, but to be honest, I also go a little bit for the bathrooms.
«We do go a little bit over what's expected of us in monitoring our GMPs, sanitation and quality control checks through all phases of production,» Calvert says.
When Nintendo announced Hyrule Warriors for Wii U fans went a little bit nuts.
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