Sentences with phrase «to go in that direction»

If the economy keeps going in this direction, savings accounts won't be much of an issue.
It's certainly possible that they'll go in that direction with their top pick.
Yet, for every forward step, it steps back again, never really going in any direction for long.
They took an amazing franchise and decided that it needed to go in another direction because the mechanics started to feel a bit long in the tooth.
You don't have to worry about receiving a lower quality of metal by going in this direction.
In most cases, when long term measurements revealed significant environmental change, the change went in the direction that would be expected as a result of a warming climate.
Choose your thoughts and words wisely so you get your thoughts and words going in the direction where you want to take your life.
You can also go in another direction and offer something that would be helpful to your readers and other fiction writers.
If the conversation goes in a direction you are not comfortable with, change the subject.
I'm scared for especially the next generation if things go in this direction.
The customer service reps should be well - versed on what types of activities and valuable are covered and if they're not, then you might want to consider going in another direction!
If the price goes in your direction you will earn 5 times more than without using a leverage.
I have to admit that I did not see the film going in this direction and it really took me by surprise.
It is as thought - provoking as it is exciting, going in directions few, if any, major studio comic book superhero production ever has before.
They are the most energy efficient vehicles widely available and the industry is fast going in their direction due to costs coming down and their ability to meet increasingly stringent emissions regulations.
They are the most energy efficient vehicles widely available and the industry is fast going in their direction due to costs coming down and their ability to meet increasingly stringent emissions regulations.
I think if I accept that it's a kind of hopeless situation then I can let the paintings go in the direction they want.
Here are some 5 interview hacks to get the interview going in your direction front the moment you walk into the office.
I guess I liked that the story went in the direction that I felt it should go and felt it was going to go.
It depends on how much value they place on the platinum trophy... if they even go in this direction.
It gave me the courage to try, to go in that direction instead of trying to be someone else, someone more exciting maybe.
But to get the leaders going in the direction of sophisticated Internet use, you have to structure your program to reinforce the idea that being tech savvy is cool.
They know themselves well and can remain true to their own character in the midst of a crowd going in another direction.
To coordinate this remember the halo motion of the bell goes in the direction of the leg that is in front of you.
Maybe with the caliber of talented actors, they were trying to avoid going in that direction.
It's nice to see blame going in all directions except toward researchers.
You decide which way you believe the market is going and buy a majority of ETF that goes up when the market goes in the direction that you believe the market is going.
Instead, think of it as catching a ride with a friend going in your direction.
That said if things continue going in the direction that they are I'm sure it would have been very high on my list.
I knew this lawyer valued alternative dispute resolution and would know what to look for when the divorce went in that direction.
Many wonder how to find the time, talent and resources needed to make the changes that clients are looking for when the firm isn't going in that direction quickly enough.
In my opinion, I don't see as negative any action going in the direction of enforcing safety and guarantees in this sector.
Getting some physical activity and letting my mind go in another direction seems to give it a rest and allow the juices to flow again.
I work with my clients to develop a collaborative relationship in which the therapeutic space is one of thought and reflection so that an effort can be made to go in the direction needed.
You only get the benefits of appreciation if all the variables go in your direction.
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