Sentences with phrase «to go out to dinner»

It's the perfect outfit for going out to dinner with friends!
We can go out to dinner at night and in the morning share breakfast in bed!
And I would feel desperate to dress that way when going out to dinner by myself.
Everything holds up so well and looks great whether we're taking family photos or just going out to dinner on the patio.
I enjoy going out to dinner movies concerts or spending time with family and friends sharing laughs.
Thirty - three percent of the couples surveyed went out to dinner for their first date rather than going out for drinks or coffee.
Self - care might mean choosing to stay at home to relax instead of going out to dinner with friends.
We don't go out to dinner often, but when we do, my family often chooses the Natural Cafe.
I love going out to dinner alone on occasion, with a good book and a glass of wine.
If going out to dinner and a movie, consider an outfit that is dressy but casual at the same time.
I was wearing this outfit before going out to dinner.
You can let your imagination and palate take an exotic trip just by going out to dinner.
I enjoy going out to dinner as well as going out to clubs and social events.
I'm going out to dinner tonight with my boyfriend and that last look is literally the perfect outfit for it!
I then went out to dinner with the entire sales team.
Bonus points if that dress is comfortable and a viable option for going out to dinner in (priorities).
Maybe instead of going out to dinner once a week, cook at home and donate $ 60 to a soup kitchen... just a thought!
It was the best spending the day with them and we even went out to dinner later on that night (more on that in an upcoming post)!
She wondered: What kind of family goes out to dinner to sit in silence across from each other?
When I stopped drinking, I didn't stop going out to dinner — but I did stop ordering alcohol.
With this kind of flexibility, you do not have to be worried about going out to dinner with your friends.
Perhaps I should have taken more holidays, or gone out to dinner more.
I remember going out to dinner one night with friends after a long day with a contractor on a plumbing job.
We were planning to go out to dinner yesterday to celebrate my sister - in - law's birthday.
Going out to dinner tomorrow night, so I'll pull some sexy shades out for that!
Okay, so I should have this or I should have that or I'm going out to dinner now.
You can still go out to dinner and a movie or play a round of golf with friends or go to the beach for a weekend.
I am a young man who likes to have fun going out to dinner or for drinks.
You always go out to dinner or a movie or stay home and rent videos but you are feeling kind of bored.
At the encouragement of their therapist, they decide to actually go out to dinner together for a date, something they've rarely done since having kids.
I'm getting rid of all my high high heels, I can not walk in them, and we rarely go out to dinner — they have just been gathering dust.
Maybe go out to dinner and buy a dog so our dogs can play together.
Our weekend was a pretty typical one — which includes going out to dinner and working.
I enjoy walks in the park going out to dinner watching movies etc..
Your friend isn't declining going out to dinner entirely — just going out for sushi.
Have you ever gone out to dinner, or gone to a party, where someone refuses to eat, and they actually bring more attention to themselves by not eating?
I'd like some thoughts on day versus going out to dinner clothes.
Tomorrow is Ant's birthday so we will probably go out to dinner to celebrate it after I get off of work.
First off, these pants are really warm, so I'm glad to have them when I'm walking to work or going out to dinner during the winter.
We hardly go out to dinner these days so its nice to try something new — especially on a week night.
Before I started budgeting, I operated on «feelings» only: I feel like I've gone out to dinner too many times this month.
I don't know what dating is like without going out to dinners and seeing movies in the theater — and I don't plan to find out.
I love to laugh travel garden read hike going out to dinner and movies.
I lead a quiet life and want to remain so, but I do miss going out to dinner and having a nice evening of conversation.
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