Sentences with phrase «to go to landfill»

To date, we have reduced the amount of waste going to the landfill by 80 % at the stores participating in this program.
When they implemented these for their underwear line, they stopped 12 tons of material from going to landfill, saved $ 150,000 USD in packaging costs, and saw sales rise 25 %.
It describes a city investing in energy and resource effectiveness, with falling water consumption and only two per cent of municipal waste going to landfill in 2010.
We also ensure that 100 % of the waste from our factories does NOT go to landfill.
Participating stores reduced food waste going to landfill by 56 percent through this innovative project.
As more is recovered, less goes to landfill, thereby reducing methane emissions.
They may say 100 % organic, but that's a lot of trash going to landfill.
Both aluminium and steel are easy to recycle and there are huge environmental benefits for doing this - yet many cans still go to landfill.
They could also go to landfill (not ideal)-- imagine the press headlines.
However, she said two thirds of global food waste currently goes to landfill, creating environmental pollution and contributing to social problems.
Each diaper goes to a landfill where it must be maintained at some cost.
It's so sad that people throw things like jewellery away when it breaks, there are so many beautiful things going to landfill every day!
More than 30 % of our clothing goes to landfill, with nearly half of us putting some clothing in the bin.
We know that reducing waste going to landfill saves open land for habitat and other purposes and reduces water and soil contamination.
The thought of so many fairly decent mattresses going to landfill is deeply upsetting.
Give me some hard metrics on the reductions you've made in your emissions, what goes to the landfill, and so on.
Maybe this ought not to go to the landfill if somebody wants it.
Since then, the organization has prevented 500 million pounds of food — all of it donations from restaurants — from going to a landfill.
Even if your city doesn't have a plan for food waste collection, you can still cut down on the amount that goes to landfill by starting your own compost bin or pile.
The added bonus of reducing the amount of waste going to landfill & reducing the cost of buying wipes is fantastic!
«We have reduced our waste by 60 percent going to the landfill in the last six months,» Bosma notes.
Montgomery's recyclables are now going to a landfill, and a once booming local business, United Plastic Recycling, filed for bankruptcy last year.
Composting has the added benefit of reducing the amount of solid waste produced by homeowners, which would otherwise go to a landfill.
We believe it is imperative to reclaim, refurbish and reuse as much as possible, as this puts less pressure on resources and stops the items simply going to landfill.
When the liner is soiled, it is flushed down the toilet into the sewage system instead of going to the landfill.
Organic waste that does go to the landfill doesn't get the chance to decompose properly due to the lack of oxygen, which produces methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.
Coupled with the tremendous supermarket and retail collection of old corrugated containers (OCC), today there's very little corrugated packaging going to landfills.
While this may be true, Dawn is quick to add that all batteries should be disposed of at recycling sites, something that clearly doesn't happen often enough — 240 million batteries go to landfill each year.
In 2010 alone, the FWRA estimates that around 60 million tons of food waste was generated in the U.S., of which nearly 40 million tons went to landfill.
As you see, food waste is the largest waste stream going to landfills in the US, accounting for 21 percent of the American waste stream and contributing to climate change as food waste in landfills decomposes and generates methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas.
In Sonoma County, about 358 tons of organic / compostable waste goes to the landfill daily.
People with wasteful minds like you wish useful materials go to the landfills choking our enviroment make me sick.
«This breakthrough is significant as not only is the alumina more pure than its commercial counterpart, it could also reduce the amount of aluminium foil going to landfill while also sidestepping the environmental damage associated with mining bauxite.»
While much of the used grounds go to landfills, some of them are applied as fertilizer, used as a biodiesel source or mixed into animal feed.
U.S. EPA estimates that in 2009, more than 82 percent of discarded electronics went to landfills and incinerators.
When you give stuff to your waste carter, it's just going to a landfill.
School catering and vending operator Options Management Ltd. — another AVA member company — recognise that vending, as a service, brings to the market a range of drinks and snacks which are packaged — and packaging has long been the focus of the green lobby because much of it still goes to landfill when it could be recycled.
Cat Litter «Clay going to a landfill is terribly detrimental for the environment,» says Dr. Nicholas Dodman, a veterinarian, director of the Tufts Animal Behavior Clinic and author of The Cat Who Cried for Help.
Sister Eden recommends using items that are already going to the landfill to use for litter disposal instead of using a bag that otherwise wouldn't be thrown away — things like empty chip bags or cereal liners.
Food waste continues to be a serious problem, with an estimated 30 to 40 percent of food intended for human consumption going to landfill.
This is something I've entirely made up, but to me a zero waste capsule wardrobe is essential a wardrobe in which nothing (or very little) will go to the landfill once your clothes have reached the end of your life.
CrossIron Mills has diverted 23 tonnes of organic materials from going to the landfill through its Organics Recycling program.
One company taking advantage of this is City Design, a construction, remodeling and environmental remediation company that builds tiny homes from leftover construction materials that normally go to landfills.
Last May, Pike Research estimated that e-waste going to our landfills would plateau by 2015 and begin to decline.
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