Sentences with phrase «to go to school every day»

So, the history of schooling continues to play out in the interactions that parents have with their children in going to school every day.
Children go to school every day with the assumption that schools are prepared and invested in seeing them succeed.
I pretty much go to school all day and even work at the university.
It was hard to go to school every day because I'd get beaten up on the way.
Make sure that your child goes to school each day, since the more she stays home, the harder it will be to get her to go back to school.
On Fridays they don't have to stick to the dress code but only one of my girls goes to school that day.
If school consisted of teachers lecturing the class, I would not enjoy going to school every day.
If you have kids, they are going to go to school the day after Halloween, and everyone is going to be talking about how much candy they got.
On Central Middle School's Parents Day, however, parents go to school all day with their children!
Responding to a question asking how they feel about going to school each day, 24 percent of the public - school students said they didn't want to go, compared with 9 percent of private - school students.
Is it unreasonable to assume that a child who dutifully goes to school every day will gain access to the same rich, enabling domains of knowledge that more affluent children take for granted?
Positive engagement helps build culture of attendance by taking a positive not punitive approach, helping everyone understand why going to school every day matters and what they can do to ensure students are in school.
It was strange to walk into a place where he did not have any friends, but he said he started going to school every day and by spring he had A's and B's on his report card, something he hadn't seen in years.
If you like the idea of your dog going to school every day but would rather your dog stay at home with you during the process, then Day Training is a great alternative.
The flow of gameplay entails going to school each day, taking tests, and meeting the other students.
On Fridays they don't have to stick to the dress code but only one of my girls goes to school that day.
She is doing great learning a lot and truly enjoys going to school every day.
Now our 2nd child is attending and loves going to school each day.
«There's a balance between the importance of making sure our children go to school every day and absorb the knowledge they need and the safety and security of those children,» she said, speaking at a CDC press conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
According to a police report, she said 14 - year - old Nikolas had refused to go to school that day, so she took away his Xbox «privileges» and stashed the computer game system in her vehicle.
They wake with inadequate sleep, go to school all day, then go to practice, then go train and finally they get home and have homework.
Kids don't want to go to school all day and come right home and do more school work.
Being in nature and experiencing joy with others is what makes her children excited to go to school each day.
Obtain a referral for a child psychiatrist or a child psychologist, in addition to your pediatrician, especially if you think that you're forcing your child to go to school each day.
The result - kids who are grounded in their connection to learning and other people, balanced in their artistic and academic focus, and excited to go to school every day!
Like when he looked at me and said will you guys not do anything fun without me when I go to school all day next year?
They are also perfect for lunch boxes that go to school every day.
The Syracuse City School District has launched an attendance initiative, urging the community and families to make sure children to go to school every day.
Should we nudge students to go to school every day?
I am excited to go to school every day.
«I was excited to be a student again, to go to school every day, meet some amazing new people, and learn,» says Lee, a master's candidate in Human Development and Psychology (HDP).
My daughter is excited to go to school each day and is strongly attached to her current and former teachers.
We expect some subset of students to go to school every day and — for an entire school year — not learn.
While addressing some attendance barriers - such as health, poor transportation, and unstable housing - can require longer - term strategies, everyone can make a difference by helping students and families understand that going to school every day and avoiding absences whenever possible is critical to realizing success in school and success in life.
School communities can send a clear message that going to school every day is a priority by providing regular recognition and incentives to students and families who have good and improved attendance.
They go to school every day knowing that all children can succeed.
The governor also emphasized the important influence that parents have on the academic performance of their children, urging parents to «insist that their children go to school every day and arrive on time.»
For people who work or go to school all day, or live in an apartment, their choice of parrot species should be limited to small and medium - sized parrots.
Artist Statement «In Iraq, I could not go to school every day.
It really feels like I'm going to school every day to learn and discover new information and material.
Is your child anxious to go to school every day or having trouble with peers?
My son is in 6th grade at PMS and is very excited to go to school every day.
Back then, we'd work or go to school all day, come home, fix dinner and then sit down late at night in front of our video recording of Days of Our Lives (um, ok, don't judge.
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