Sentences with phrase «to go to the country»

They never go to countries in the middle or at the bottom of the distribution.
When travelers go to another country for a vacation, they may have to adapt to unfamiliar conditions such as different weather conditions, lower hygiene standards, and strange places and road systems.
Moreover, they are able to influence foreign policy so that our military, economic, and food aid goes to countries where multinational corporations have the most likelihood of making profits.
Instead of going to a country and visiting all or several of its major cities in a week, it's staying in just one city the entire week.
You wonder, why a lady can not go to your country to meet you there.
Some of my favorite are going to country concerts and spending time with friends.
If his polling returns showed a strong position he could go to the country with confidence.
Read through this section first and then go to the country section for more specific information for that country.
I look a bit like I am going to a country club in this photo but it is absolutely gorgeous in real life.
Also, my husband and I love going to the country side in the weekends to do different activities and we want to bring our baby girl since little.
I remember going to country side green house each year (multiple times of year) with my mom picking out flowers.
A new Labour leader could go to the country asking for affirmation of an economic stimulation package.
I probably know just a few of men who would be ready to go to both countries without any date arrangement.
I was really nervous about going to another country alone but not anymore, I'm over it, and look forward to my next solo adventure.
The same player in the same periods goes to his country and plays well.
They will still go to those countries but they will also go to other strategic locations around the world.
Can a Nigerian go to another country and carry a gun around?
This can be verified by the sheer number of tourists going to the country annually.
When your money goes to another country, you may lose that protection.
Then that's time you can look for the cheap flight options going to the country you intend to visit.
Then, actually going to the country where the language is spoken and using those skills, puts you on the fast track!
Travel tips for countries where cash, not credit, dominates payments — Going to a country where cash and coin, not plastic cards, must be used?
And, even if the applicant then goes to another country, he / she can not apply for asylum there but he / she should be sent back to the former country.
If he'd gone to the country in the autumn of that year he would still be in power now.
The wiser course would have been for Margaret Thatcher to have gone to the country as party leader in 1992 and have been removed from Downing Street by the electorate.
Danielle — I didn't go to Brimfield this time because I felt I was spoiled after going to the Country Living Fair!
The prime minister goes to the country on 8 June hoping to strengthen the Conservative majority.
So, I thought, I kind of already have the experience to take off on sort of a mission, so the travel part of it is easy for me - even going to countries like Afghanistan.
«This is a movie about a teacher who goes to a country far from home to teach the children of a king.»
In her two successful re-election campaigns Margaret Thatcher went to the country after just four years in 1983 and in 1987.
Going to those countries now, ahead of the potential rising trend, prevents Kind from appearing like a «me too» player, said Lubetzky.
The amount of aid allocated to education has been falling for six years in a row, shows a new policy paper, Aid to Education is Stagnating and Not Going to Countries Most in Need, published by UNESCO's Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report.
A lot of people think, «I can't go to this country because I don't speak the language» and that makes me laugh really hard because a lot of people don't realize that the majority of the world speaks English.
If muslims want a holiday, then they should go to a country based on muslim principles.
He's done a few jobs in college football, he said, including a stint with bowl organizers Florida Citrus Sports and as the public relations director for the Butkus Award, which goes to the country's top linebacker.
May went to the country for a mandate for vacuous stability and the country has thrown it in her face.
As much as I loved my expat life in both Australia and New Zealand, one of the benefits of now being based in London is the fact that going to another country just for the weekend isn't completely off... Read More
When he came back to China, father and son went to a Country Garden sales office and paid more than 30 percent down on an apartment costing over $ 130,000.
This is the minimum requirement of any company going to another country to carry out business and investment,» he said.
Many young Indians are now choosing to learn Chinese to access a bigger pool of job opportunities in Chinese - funded enterprises, as more and more Chinese enterprises go to the country to do business Source: Xinhua 2018/5/2 17:03:39
In 2010, almost 100 % of Canada's energy exports went to the country's southern neighbour, a huge chunk of total Canadian exports into the U.S.
Try going to that country and waving the flag, spouting off about your speech rights and see how long it takes to feel the sting of a bullet between your eyes.
His existence will end because he was stupid enough to go to a country full of people blindly faithful to rubbish and try to get them to transfer that faith to another sort of rubbish.
I bet if the people that oppose to the fact that in these «Western» countries why don't all muslims go to a country that is Islamic, so they can dress and impose their religion.
St. John Paul went to the country twice in 1984 and 1989 whilst Benedict never visited during his 8 year papacy.
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