Sentences with phrase «to go vote»

So PLEASE go vote for me... well, only if you think my post is best.
Go here to see all of the finalists, and then go vote for me please!
Now it's up to us to make sure he actually gets into the top 100 — so go vote and tell your friends to vote.
There are frequent claims that poorer workers are afraid to leave work to go vote as they want to be seen as hard working.
There are some really fabulous blogs on there — make sure and go vote for your favorite!
And it's not very hidden manipulation that you want to say, if someone adopts a spiritual - but - not - religious viewpoint, they are allowed to go vote in favor of gay marriage.
You can't go voting for somebody else just to avoid being called a copycat.
If you haven't voted for your favorite recipes in the Virtual Vegan Potluck, go vote now!
Bright kept in close touch with Joseph Chamberlain, his colleague in the representation of Birmingham, and in June after much coming and going he voted with 92 other Liberal members against Gladstone's Home Rule Bill, which was defeated by 341 votes to 311.
«Let these special people go vote on Nov. 6th against Cece — there will be no waiting at the polls,» one Democrat laughed.
For instance, the Obama campaign could use the data to glean the identities of a Facebook user's friends in a swing state such as Ohio, and then send messages to that Facebook user, urging her to encourage those friends to go vote early in the state.
Remember to go vote through the Facebook or Pinterest links, it's really easy.
The General Secretary of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia, has accused the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), of preventing northerners from transferring their votes to strongholds of the NPP in the on - going vote transfer exercise.
«We are going to do this the New York way and we are going vote Hillary Clinton as our next president,» Assembly Majority Leader Joe Morelle said.
they'll tell you, then go vote against the laws of thermodynamics.
3:15 am / 2:15 am (5th)-- TCM — Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Go vote, and then watch Frank Capra's ode to a simpler, gentler political climate.
Well seeing as how this phone isn't on this list... People should just go vote for the myTouch 4G and show their love for T - Mobile.
Go vote right now for your... Read more»
Go vote over at Lowe's Facebook page and help them win!
This would be a bigger deal in election years where one party has a contested primary and the other one doesn't (meaning there's not too much of a reason for people to go vote in one of them, so why not vote in the other?).
Take a day to remove reality and food consumption, then go vote for a jerk of a guy named Romney.
Did anyone else get a little bummed yesterday seeing all the cute pictures of other moms who got to go vote with their daughters on the 100 year anniversary of women voting (in NY)?
So go vote, why don't you!
But one of those considered a possible swing vote, Senator Joe Robach of Rochester, says he's not going vote for the provision.
In the United States election last year, we helped more than 2 million people register to vote and then go vote.
In fact, Swift made several decisions that served to counter her influence: She deleted a tweet supporting the Women's March, her political voice was limited to a single «go vote» post and her usual public philanthropic efforts were more muted than in years past.
Have you ever voted in your life, or are you one of those moronic loons who sit there on election day, too drunk to go vote, and then act all self - righteous about the state of our country without lifting a finger to do anything about it except spout off lame shit on a blog?
Go vote for them.
If you still want to go vote for me (Wendy, actually), you can do so here.
but, I will not pray for God to choose who our leader will be, It is up to us to go vote.
If you have a second, it would mean the world to me if you could click here and go vote.
Time to go vote for this deliciousness.
It's too late to enter the «So You Think You Can Potty Dance» video contest, but you can go vote for your favorite finalist!
I'll be sure to go vote for you when you» r a finalist!
It's been fun to watch the tweets and Facebook statuses flash before my eyes, but at this point I can't imagine anyone who hasn't long - ago decided a) THAT they were going to vote, and b) FOR WHOM they were going vote.
If not, they mark it as used, typically with a checkmark, then you go vote.
The Conservative Party says the «upbeat message» encourages the listener to go vote for Long.
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