Sentences with phrase «to grasp reality»

Remember that while many franchisees may have always wanted to run their own business, they might not fully grasp the realities of being a business owner.
Now that it is here we still can not grasp the reality of it all.
I found that it was only when the activists I interviewed began to develop relationships with people of color that they were able to fully grasp the reality of their racial experiences.
He is bold to use them because he has now got his reader into a state to grasp the reality through the descriptions.
I knew what was expected in theory, but I couldn't seem to grasp the reality of it.
It's too bad this man's brain is so small that he can't grasp reality.
To grasp reality as it is, we must return to our pre-scientific and post-scientific knowledge, the tacit knowledge that pervades science, the knowledge that, when critically examined and refined, we call philosophy.
Indeed, true science is impossible unless we first grasp the reality of natures and essences, the intelligible principles of the natural world.
Introduction to grasping reality with both hands: Private university students who try to take out $ 250,000 in student loans when they're barely out of puberty are patted on the back and given directions to a high - quality local state university.
Australia grasped the reality some time ago that its future is inexorably linked with Asia.
In other words, 46 % are dumber than a post, 32 % have a shot at someday grasping reality, and 15 % are fighting a battle of ignorance that can never be won.
But must the mind approximate reality on some occasions when otherwise it directly grasps reality?
To know is to grasp reality in the sense of what will heed and what will hinder me on the journey that is the whole meaning of my life.
Very few people in the West grasp the reality, much less the magnitude, of this threat to what might be called «cognitive security»: the capacity of Western populations to see things as they are, including things going on in our own societies.
Know this: that your ability to grasp reality just with your brain is sevearly impaired, since vital part of you is dead!
Type # 2 is the individual that has graduated from medical school, calls himself a doctor, but hasn't really grasped the reality that maybe he or she really wasn't meant to be a doctor, and has a great possibility to commit mal - practice multiple times in their imminent short - lived career.
Such pedagogical examples may help preservice teachers grasp the reality that teaching students to become active and effective citizens in these diverse United States is a challenging enterprise that requires intense preparation and focus.
I may not know the exact sentiment Octavi instilled it with, and I will probably never grasp the reality of what it means to them, but I get the feeling as I play it that I'm not supposed to.
Departing from Lucy Lippard's modus operandi in her book «On the Beaten Track; Tourism, Art and Place» (2000), this exhibition moves between the labyrinths of lived experience and personal geography; between grasping reality, mediating memories and the solitary quest for inexpressible meaning.
When those raising children with RAD eventually grasp the reality of their children's struggles, they often wonder where to go from there.
Granted, as a starry - eyed child who adored candy more than anything, maybe you didn't fully grasp the reality of what that would entail.
George Monbiot's advice to the environmental community was simple: that they'd «only get past this by grasping reality, apologising where appropriate, and demonstrating that it can not happen again.»
While Warburg's atlas could never be completed, it reflects our collective attempts to grasp reality through imagination, hoping that images will give us meaning and legitimacy.
It's those who can't grasp reality, and perform these heinous acts of violence that cause the government and media to point fingers at the gaming industry.
They have been involved, and will continue to get involved because they have been grasping the reality of secular power since the Church was established.
Each situation involves real, living human beings and I believe we should respect them by at least attempting to grasp the reality of their world instead or reaching for the nearest category to slap across their situation.
Bergson surrendered to the doubts of modernity, denying the intellect's ability to grasp reality.
Barr's essay addresses at some length the question of design in biology, but does not clearly affirm that reason can grasp the reality of design without the aid of faith.
Your religion shall change from the mere intellectual belief in traditional authority to the actual experience of that living faith which is able to grasp the reality of God and all that relates to the divine spirit of the Father.
There is no way to experience God on earth in separation with the question of the power; and there is no other way to grasp the reality of the power without Minjung experiences of the power.
It shows me that Christians and other religions are quite capable seeing and grasping reality — even if they are slower about it.
The failure to grasp reality is greatest amongst the theists, greatest yet amongst those who think that their doctrines are the absolute divine truth and all else heresy.
In her Tuesday evening talk, Sister Andrea Fraile suggests that we can not understand the difficulties of family life unless we grasp the reality of original sin.
I believe that Father D'Arcy is quite right in finding in the self both the love which seeks to grasp reality and the love which wants to give itself away.
To grasp the reality of a possible revelation in history, we must be prepared to risk involvement in the life of a community established by this memory of an internal history often inaccessible to «objective» recording.
But we need to grasp reality, which is that the interests, mentality, rhetoric, and conditions of life for our establishment have gotten out of alignment with the median voter, and this underlies — and to a great degree explains — today's populism.
But guess what, what I think and what you think makes no difference to anything — it would go some way to mending your broken heart if you could grasp the reality.
Women fail to grasp the reality that they set the older man / younger woman dynamic into action through their dating preferences when they are younger.
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