Sentences with phrase «to grind something someone»

Here we have kept the pesto very chunky, by simply grinding it in a mortar.
Be careful that you don't grind them into hazelnut butter though.
They just take the leaf, dry it, and then grind it into powder form.
Also grind them with sea salt and use it to flavor fruit breads.
Who cares what kind of ground it falls on?
But as so many of us discover, when the climate crisis threatens your world and the very ground you walk on, you have to take a stand.
If they don't grind it for you, just cut it up into large chunks and then throw it in your food processor.
If the apples and squash are meant as meal portions instead of treats, grind them for better digestion and absorption.
Put pistachios in a food processor and finely grind them.
Rabbit's teeth grow throughout their lifetime, and chewing on hay helps grind them down.
Do not attempt to brush or wipe mold off of your damp books, as it will likely smear and stain the surface, as well as grinding it further into your book.
Next time you're driving, see how much ground you cover in 15 minutes.
Just grind them in a food processor to the same consistency as almond flour.
Do not throw away the left over rice, simply grind it to make a nourishing body scrub.
I suppose a compromise of sorts was necessary to reach audiences at the opposite ends of the age spectrum, but in hitting middle ground he reaches no one.
One of the most shocking and hard - to - understand roles of being a mom is the dumping ground you become for their emotions, and many other things as well.
I like to think of work life balance as the training ground you need to be able to perform at the big event.
The more ground you cover in the first few hours, the better chance you have of finding your dog.
The middle ground you propose is not in the middle.
The side quest stories are even worse then the main story so grinding them out was out of the question for me.
• If your blender is extra strong, you might be able to toss the cardamom in without grinding it first.
A huge game, chock full of content, it will make you work for every inch of ground you get and always manage to leave a smile on your face.
With the facilities we have got at the training ground it is worrying how many injuries we get and how long it takes out players to get back.
I graduated into buying beans and grinding them at home.
But, if you want his physique you'll have to really grind it out in the gym five or six days per week.
It's a great look perfectly in tune with the back ground I love your blog.
Whatever ground we cover in worship and prayer, someone has been there before us.
But what about grinding it up into a powder like we did with the raspberry quinoa cookies?
The only recommendation I would have is to not grind it too fine.
If you prefer using coffee beans and grind them fresh for each brew, this My K - cup filter will be a good option for you.
Which is why grinding it is really the best thing to do.
So chew flax very well if you eat it whole, or grind it instead.
Here are the seven teams, along with their moves, a reminder of just how much ground they have to make up, and their chances of succeeding.
When I see the well off scrambling for higher ground I will then believe its really bad.
, merely shows how little ground you have to stand on.
You will grind them further with the powdered sugar.
To make it quick I added black beans, eggs and little oil in the food processor and ground it smooth.
Older men seem to be more grounded I guess.
I don't rinse, but yes you can grind it after!
It doesn't matter about the performances, only the results matter given the amount of ground we already have to make up.
With steep hills and uneven ground we were able to traverse the park with ease and our kiddos got a bird's eye view.
You may be able to have the butcher grind it for you.
It is so tiny that most grain mills can't even grind it into flour!
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